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AIM Integration. No errors in test mode, payment not processed in production mode

Hi I got the code from here:


It doesn't give me any errors while on test mode but any Credit Card I use, payments doesn't go through on live mode. 2 errors come up:

1. Your credit card was declined by your bank. Please try another form of payment.;

2. We encountered an error while processing your payment. Your credit card was not charged. Please try again or contact customer service to place your order.


Note: My Credit Card has more than enough balance to cover the transaction.


Below is the code: I've removed the API login ID and Transaction key as well as replaced the domain name in the code below.

	ini_set('display_errors', '1');

    $errors = array();

    if ('POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])

        $credit_card           = sanitize($_POST['credit_card']);
        $expiration_month      = (int) sanitize($_POST['expiration_month']);
        $expiration_year       = (int) sanitize($_POST['expiration_year']);
        $cvv                   = sanitize($_POST['cvv']);
        $cardholder_first_name = sanitize($_POST['cardholder_first_name']);
        $cardholder_last_name  = sanitize($_POST['cardholder_last_name']);
        $billing_address       = sanitize($_POST['billing_address']);
        $billing_address2      = sanitize($_POST['billing_address2']);
        $billing_city          = sanitize($_POST['billing_city']);
		$billing_state         = sanitize($_POST['billing_state']);
        $billing_zip           = sanitize($_POST['billing_zip']);
        $telephone             = sanitize($_POST['telephone']);
        $email                 = sanitize($_POST['email']);
        $honeypot              = sanitize($_POST['ssn']);
        $token                 = sanitize($_POST['token']);

        if ($token !== $_SESSION['token'])
            $errors['token'] = "This form submission is invalid. Please try again or contact support for additional assistance.";
        if (!empty($honeypot))
            $errors['hp'] = "This form submission is invalid. Please try again or contact support for additional assistance.";
        if (!validateCreditcard_number($credit_card))
            $errors['credit_card'] = "Please enter a valid credit card number";
        if (!validateCreditCardExpirationDate($expiration_month, $expiration_year))
            $errors['expiration_month'] = "Please enter a valid expiration date for your credit card";
        if (!validateCVV($credit_card, $cvv))
            $errors['cvv'] = "Please enter the security code (CVV number) for your credit card";
        if (empty($cardholder_first_name))
            $errors['cardholder_first_name'] = "Please provide the card holder's first name";
        if (empty($cardholder_last_name))
            $errors['cardholder_last_name'] = "Please provide the card holder's last name";
        if (empty($billing_address))
            $errors['billing_address'] = 'Please provide your billing address.';
        if (empty($billing_city))
            $errors['billing_city'] = 'Please provide the city of your billing address.';
		if (empty($billing_state))
            $errors['billing_state'] = 'Please provide the state for your billing address.';
        if (empty($telephone) || strlen($telephone) > 20)
            $errors['billing_city'] = 'Please provide a telephone number where we can reach you if necessary.';
        if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
            $errors['email'] = "Please provide a valid email address";
        // If there are no errors let's process the payment
        if (count($errors) === 0)
            // Format the expiration date
            $expiration_date = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $expiration_year, $expiration_month);

            // Include the SDK
			require_once 'AuthorizeNet.php'; 
			define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", ""); 
			define("AUTHORIZENET_SANDBOX", false);

            // Process the transaction using the AIM API
            $transaction = new AuthorizeNetAIM;
                'amount' => '20.00',
                'card_num' => $credit_card,
                'exp_date' => $expiration_date,
                'first_name' => $cardholder_first_name,
                'last_name' => $cardholder_last_name,
                'address' => $billing_address,
                'city' => $billing_city,
				'state' => $billing_state,
                'zip' => $billing_zip,
                'email' => $email,
                'card_code' => $cvv,
            $response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
            if ($response->approved)
                // Transaction approved. Collect pertinent transaction information for saving in the database.
                $transaction_id     = $response->transaction_id;
                $authorization_code = $response->authorization_code;
                $avs_response       = $response->avs_response;
                $cavv_response      = $response->cavv_response;

                // Put everything in a database for later review and order processing
                // How you do this depends on how your application is designed
                // and your business needs.

                //unset our PRG session variable if it exists
                if (isset($_SESSION['prg']))
				$_SESSION['$transaction_id'] = $transaction_id;
				$_SESSION['$authorization_code'] = $authorization_code;
				$_SESSION['$avs_response'] = $avs_response;
				$_SESSION['$cavv_response'] = $$cavv_response;

                // Once we're finished let's redirect the user to a receipt page
            else if ($response->declined)
                // Transaction declined. Set our error message.
                $errors['declined'] = 'Your credit card was declined by your bank. Please try another form of payment.';
                // And error has occurred. Set our error message.
                $errors['error'] = 'We encountered an error while processing your payment. Your credit card was not charged. Please try again or contact customer service to place your order.';

                // Collect transaction response information for possible troubleshooting
                // Since our application won't be doing this we'll comment this out for now.
                // $response_subcode     = $response->response_subcode;
                // $response_reason_code = $response->response_reason_code;
            // Create an array in our session for use to store their variables
            $_SESSION['prg'] = array();

            // Put their information into the array
            $_SESSION['prg']['credit_card']           = $credit_card;
            $_SESSION['prg']['expiration_month']      = $expiration_month;
            $_SESSION['prg']['expiration_year']       = $expiration_year;
            $_SESSION['prg']['cvv']                   = $cvv;
            $_SESSION['prg']['cardholder_first_name'] = $cardholder_first_name;
            $_SESSION['prg']['cardholder_last_name']  = $cardholder_last_name;
            $_SESSION['prg']['billing_address']       = $billing_address;
            $_SESSION['prg']['billing_address2']      = $billing_address2;
            $_SESSION['prg']['billing_city']          = $billing_city;
			$_SESSION['prg']['billing_state']         = $billing_state;
            $_SESSION['prg']['billing_zip']           = $billing_zip;
            $_SESSION['prg']['telephone']             = $telephone;
            $_SESSION['prg']['email']                 = $email;

            // Don't forget the $errors array!
            $_SESSION['prg']['errors']                = $errors;

            // Do our redirect. Make sure it sends the 303 header
            header('Location:', true, 303);
    else if (isset($_SESSION['prg']) && is_array($_SESSION['prg']))
        // Retreive the user's information and our error messages
        // Don't store the credit card information unless you are 100% sure your
        // server and website is PCI compliant!
        // $credit_card           = $_SESSION['prg']['credit_card'];
        // $expiration_month      = $_SESSION['prg']['expiration_month'];
        // $expiration_year       = $_SESSION['prg']['expiration_year'];
        $cvv                   = $_SESSION['prg']['cvv'];
        $cardholder_first_name = $_SESSION['prg']['cardholder_first_name'];
        $cardholder_last_name  = $_SESSION['prg']['cardholder_last_name'];
        $billing_address       = $_SESSION['prg']['billing_address'];
        $billing_address2      = $_SESSION['prg']['billing_address2'];
        $billing_city          = $_SESSION['prg']['billing_city'];
		$billing_state         = $_SESSION['prg']['billing_state'];
        $billing_zip           = $_SESSION['prg']['billing_zip'];
        $telephone             = $_SESSION['prg']['telephone'];
        $email                 = $_SESSION['prg']['email'];
        $errors                = $_SESSION['prg']['errors'];

    $_SESSION['token'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));



echo the $response->response_subcode and $response->response_reason_code

and see what the error is.


it says "AVS mismatch. the address provided does not match the address of cardholder"


The fact though is it matches

What is the AVS response code? double check the billing address right before it get send to

Type a product name