Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

ARB Issue Solved

Is there any way to call the payment process manually, ie ignoring the schedule parameters. Actually i want to charge a customer card afetr a scheduled date as well as manually based on my code conditions. In the second scenario, i won't have custome...


Question About Confirmation Emails

Hey, Is there a way to set an html string to the email text paramater that comes with the php api sdk? I want to be able to summarize the order (which I save as a string) to look like the receipt page using the order receipt email that ...

CIM Integration problem Solved

Hello, - I have developed my payment gateway using SIM method. - Now i want to provide CIM also as Hosted Form.For that i refered CIM_SOAP_guide.pdf ( Implementing a Redirect to Authorize.Net ). - How ever the example works fine,but struggling with (...


aim error

why this error is occuring?? The following errors have occurred. (13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.

Refund for a card with an updated expiry date

Hi, I've come across an issue when refunding using the AIM integration. The scenario is as follows; Make a payment using a card that is about to expire. Card expires in few days and now the card owner has received the renewed card with an updated exp...


dpm method issues

why this error is occuring while using dpm method?? An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge y...


advcart.asp with AIM

I am tasked with rewriting an existing website from old asp to The old site uses a file called advcart.asp with AIM. I have rewritten the entire site into .net, and have gathered up all the data into the same variables that the advcart.asp fi...

Error 13 when I turn on AVS with DPM

Hi, We currently use the DPM API for our site. We've been live for 2 weeks and transactions have been successfully coming in. When we launched, I had unchecked all AVS and CVV settings. Wanting to have some sort of fraud protection, I have recently t...


C# SDK, CIM - Exposing ReasonCode

I recently discovered that the ReasonCode was not properly exposed on in the C# SDK's version of a transaction response. The fix ended up being a palm to forehead moment for me. Here it is! Let's take an overly simplified transaction request... priva...


eCheck + CIM and Settlement

I was hoping someone could provide specifics on the settlement process for eCheck transactions through CIM. I am only operating in the sandbox at the moment so I am unable to test this myself. Can someone verify this process for me please? My applica...

Create form without a pre-defined X_Amount Using SIM & PHP

I'm trying to create a form that simply captures a "Childs Name" and allows for a donation amount of any amount they enter. So therefore there is no pre-defined or "set" amount. I started with usiung SIM authentication method and the simple example c...

Preauthorize a credit card in ARB

Hi, May I ask how can I preauthorize a customer's credit card. then create a recurring subscription after several days? I don't want to store the credit card information on our end. Thanks.-Chance

Getting error 13 - Testing SIM php integration

I always get error 13 no matter use testing account and post to or use a live production account and posting to Is there someone can help me with this ...

Voidable / Refundable transaction criteria. Solved

Hellooo ^__^ I have a page in our web app (PHP based, using PHP api) that displays details for a perticular transaction. I need to be able to add either a void, a refund button, or not button at all. Depending on whether or not the tran...


AVS and CCV filter ,

i use cim and i open AVS and CCV filter. When i submit [CreateCustomerPaymentProfile] or [UpdateCustomerPaymentProfile]. if i get a fail response . how can i know is AVS error or CCV error or the other error. thanks..

Getting DPM to work.

Hello everyone, I'm trying to integrate DPM and I followed the guide here: So Here's my form code (the page the users buys the prodcut from):Here's my relay_response.php file...

Recurring credit card SIM

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create donation page where user have option to pick amount they want to donate and option to select that if they want to pay that amount every month. Since I'm using SIM, I can't find if there is any field I should submit w...


Merchant Defined Fields in SIM and DPM

We used merchant defined form fields to carry information back to our site after AN processing, rather than using session variables to maintain state. We have just switched from using AIM and notice that with SIM or DPM all those fields come back at ...


AIM question using

Hi, i am planning to use AIM to integrate with our internal applicaiton (cloud based app that support - i have the sample code. We are a merchant and have ID. Can we use that instead of's ID to process the transaction, in the co...

SIM Integration in a Public Kiosk Solved

I was suprised to find that the Authorize SIM forms allow a browser to navigate via the back button (or the backspace key) into a previously filled out form with credit card information. Is that considered a feature? Why aren't no-cache headers used?...

ErrorE00027A duplicate transaction has been submitted.

Hello, We have a Drupal site that is currently using the CIM features of However when using the stored credit card feature in IE9 or IE10 it seems to try to process twice. Within the logs of our website the first kickback says "direct ...



I only have a delevoper account that is not tied to any merchant account. I am a contracted 3rd party without direct access to the clients account. I am using the php AIM tools and am trying to set up the priorauthandcapture.. Can I tes...

Transaction Costs

Hi I'm using the CIM API, and am curious what kind of transaction I will be billed for. From my understanding, if I call and AUTH_ONLY and later a PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE I will be hit with two transaction charges from (Please correct me if ...

CIM Integration with existing customers on a New eCommerce platform

We are moving all existing customer profiles to a new eCommerce platform. We have migrated all of their customer profile data.If we enter and pass the CIM ID for the customer data will recognize this from a new eCommerce application? Is ther...

Mysql table for housing responses

Does anyone have a mysql script to create a mysql table for housing responses from in the default response structure/schema? I'm about to create one, but was wondering if a sql script already exists that could save me some time. --James...

Accept ACH Payments - RUBY Solved

Hi,I am building an application which will be used to receive payments from our customers, instead of having them send us a check or transfering the money to our account. Some customers will have recurring montly charges. Others will make payments wh...