I am reading through the ArbApiSample (C#), and I got it to work.
However, it looks like the only way to pass customer payment data (cc #s and exp-dates, etc) to the ARB Api is to display an input form from my own website, and then have customers manully enter it.
Is this right? Is there not an Authorized.NET hosted form (like there is for SIM processing) that will take in this data, relay it to my site so the it may then pass it to the ARB Api?
Putting up my own customer payment-data input form doesn't seem like a good idea.
11-24-2014 09:21 AM
Hello @FancyNancy7778
It is currently not possible to use a hosted payment form for recurring billing. However, other developers have made similar requests and you are welcome to add your vote an input on the suggestion here: http://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/Ideas/ARB-and-CIM-Interoperability/idi-p/48449
11-24-2014 01:47 PM