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ARB with update pricing from my website

Hi, I Am planning to implement auto recurring billing(ARB) to my website clients. I am able to do the auto mated recurring account but I am struggling with updating the subscription from my web site. i.e If I want to update the recurring amount from 10$ to 20$ and vise versa. I search over the net but every where I found that client (my website user) need to do that manually from his account. I want to have a automated process with a buttons available on my website. Is it possible or not? Thanks in advance, Viswa Jwalith

Once an ARB subscription has started you cannot change the amount charged. If you wish to fluctuate the amount you can:


1) Cancel the subscription and create a new one with the proper amount


2) You'll need to create your own subscription system that manages the "when" of the subscription as well as the "how much". You then can use Authorize.Net Customer Information Manager (CIM) API to store customer billing information, including their credit card information, and then have a cron job that periodically polls the database and, when a user meets the criteria for a payment, calculate the proper amount and then use the CIM API to process their credit card.

John Conde :: Certified Authorize.Net Developer (Brainyminds) :: Official Authorize.Net Blogger

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Its been almost a year since your last reply on this thread. Has their been any change to ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest? Looking at the docs (, updating the subscription amount is NOT listed as something that CAN NOT be done. Are the docs wrong? Or is not being able to update the subscription amount just undocumented?





Hey Kavih,


You should be able to update the amount no problem. Give it a whirl!





Developer Community Manager

Are you able to give a little more information about how to do it?  The current documentation doesnt seem to list anything about updating price.  Are you able to tell me what to input and where?

Ok, I think I got it, I should use the same format from creating an account?

Something like this:


        $authorize = new AuthorizeNetARB(
            $authorize_id, $authorize_key);
        $subscription = new AuthorizeNet_Subscription;
        $subscription->amount = $new_price;
        $result = $authorize->updateSubscription($subscription_id, $subscription);
        if ($result->xml->messages->resultCode != 'Ok')
            $errors[] = "Recurring billing could not be updated - {$result->xml->messages->message->text}";