Is it possible to check only the name and zip code? seems that often card holder can not enter correctly the address.
11-13-2012 04:11 AM
Yes, you can. just reject "N". No match with Zip or Address or Ext Zip.
11-13-2012 05:14 AM
here is what I did, am I right?
General AVS Responses
reject: B,R,G,U
Address and ZIP Code Responses
11-13-2012 05:25 AM
look right.
11-13-2012 06:42 AM
How to bypass AVS check in Authorize.net payment Gateway ?
In my php application I am using Authorize.net payment Gateway and verifying firstname,lastname,cc,exp date,security code and zip code but after payment I am not getting address,city state info in Authorize.net merchant receipt. can any one tell me how can I make it possible to check above fields but get all customer and billing info includeing addresses in merchant receipt sent by Authorize.net.
Thanks in advance.
11-23-2012 12:51 AM
What you see is what you get for the merchant receipt.
For SIM, DPM you can use the relay response
AIM, you already get it return from the response
CIM, the same as AIM.
And you can use silent post for all.
Or you can you the Transaction Details API
11-23-2012 12:10 PM - edited 11-23-2012 12:12 PM