Hi -
Working to implement a redirect hosted payment page for our shopping cart.
Have a couple issues i'm working through:
a) I am passing the individual line items for the order. I validated it is passing properly as I see the data in the completed payment order in the console... but it does not present to the user, it only shows the invoice total. I'd like to have them see the invoice total but also a list of all the items they're paying for. Is there any way to do this?
b) We are using CIM for managing our clients. Previously when using the old APIs, we would just automatically save their CC# into the CIM profile as this is for a recurring subscription and we need the card in the future. There's a checkbox "offering" a client to save their cc, but is there any way to enforce it?
c) We are passing "merchantName" which shows on the receipt confirmation page... but is there any way to get this to show on the payment page where the user enters their CC? Concerned that users may think this is malicious or phishing... it's a "different domain", does not have our logo, doesn't even have our name.. how does everyone work around this?
Thank you!
03-26-2019 08:25 PM
03-27-2019 10:43 AM
@Renaissance Thanks for the response!
So you're saying Order->description should show on the payment page but lineItems->lineItem does not? Weird...
Yeah, it's my goal to start testing iframes too, this is just a quick fast fix.
03-27-2019 07:29 PM
03-28-2019 07:53 AM