I have gotten Accept.js hosted form to create a subscription. The problem is it wants the customer's name. I just have the hardcoded names from the example to get it to work. The customer name is in the hosted form but I do not see how it is passed to the XML file. Does anyone know how to pass the name?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest> <merchantAuthentication></merchantAuthentication> <subscription> <name>Sample subscription</name> <paymentSchedule> <interval> <length>1</length> <unit>months</unit> </interval> <startDate>2021-04-30</startDate> <totalOccurrences>12</totalOccurrences> <trialOccurrences>1</trialOccurrences> </paymentSchedule> <amount>10.29</amount> <trialAmount>1.00</trialAmount> <payment> <opaqueData> <dataDescriptor>assignDD</dataDescriptor> <dataValue>assignDV</dataValue> </opaqueData> </payment> <billTo> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> </billTo> </subscription> </ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest> XML;
โ01-25-2021 12:46 PM