We currently have a .NET Core 2 backend. We have features exclusive to paying members only. We are currently using Authorize.net for payments and subscriptions.
Does apple / google pay return something that we can send to our backend as proof a payment has been made so that we could generate account information?
I found this: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/businesschat/supporting_apple_pay/processing_payment_reque...
Would I have to implement this on my backend and the mobile client posts to it?
So I did more reading and it seems like apple/google pay is only used to collection payment data. Then we have to send that to a payment processor like stripe or braintree to make the actual payment? Am I going on the right track?
Edit: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuid.../omegleshagle
I found this and it looks like I can give apple a url to post to with information about the subscription. This is exactly what I need. Howeverm it looks like google only has some kind of pub/sub thing? https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/realtime_developer_notifications /voojio
There's no restful way to do it?
โ10-19-2022 05:03 AM