โ08-24-2010 08:03 PM
Yes. There will be a place where you can enter the authorization number you were given when charging the card.
โ08-25-2010 09:16 AM
Stymiee, can't it also be done in the Unsettled Transactions?
โ08-25-2010 12:41 PM
I'm not sure. I never tried.
โ08-25-2010 07:35 PM
You can indeed capture an authorization only transaction from the Unsettled Transactions section of the Merchant Interface.
And here are the detailed steps to how:
Thanks for the reminder RaynorC1emen7!
Developer Community Manager
โ08-26-2010 02:15 PM
Please let me know that I'm following the right approach or not.
Approach: First I am authorizing an order amount using customer profile id and payment profile id and after few days I need to void it and authorize it again.
Details : Our bank can hold the authorized amount for 7 days only. If I am shipping the order within 7 days then I can capture the authorized amount successfully. But if shipment is pending and 7 days have been crossed then bank will release the amount. This is a problem for me because shipment I would be able to capture the amount. To avoid this I'm simply checking that on 7th day if capture has not done yet against Order, I'll do void Authorized transaction and then Authorize order total amount using customer profile id and customer payment profile id.
Is it a good approach?
Will this solution work in production? In TEST environment I checked it and it worked fine but need confirmation before we commit to production environment.
โ06-11-2013 10:42 AM