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CIM CustomerProfile advance search API functionality

is there an advanced search feature to lookup up customer profiles by something other than the customer profile id?  (I am not interested in pulling al profile ids locally to server to complete search)


The reason I'm asking is when sending a create request there is an error response of E00039 with a customer id referenced in the error message, but it would be nice to have a consisent ID return available to avoid parsing messages.  Since requests on a users end would only include the required fields (i.e. Merchant Ref Id, Description, email) it would be nice to be able to look up a customer profile(s) to work with a scalar return or at the worst case a very small set of values by the same criteria that threw the duplicate error.


Not that I know of. I just store the customer's contact info locally if I want to be able to search on that, and it isn't hard to deal with the duplicate profile error.
