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CIM ccv(cardCode) help

I'm learning the ins and outs of CIM and i can't figure out the card code. When creating a payment profile you can pass this through to verify the card for added security. This doesn't get saved into CIM. When i try to charge the profile i just created in the CIM virtual terminal at, it requires the card code...


I was assuming the card code verfication option was only enabled during API calls to verify the card when creating payment profiles and then you wouldn't need it again to actually charge the card.


What's the proper set-up to use CIM and card codes? 


Hmm. is there a difference in the percentage you have to pay if you give CCV vs no CCV? I'm rather curious about the answer to your problem as well, since I'll be implementing CIM for the first time myself and I prefer to use card codes.


Hi dadamssg,


Make sure the card code field is not set as required on your payment form in your Merchant Interface. If it is, then every transaction submitted will require it, even those done with CIM. If you click on Account tab on top > Payment form > Form fields, then you can see what fields are set as required.




Administrator Administrator

Hi TJPride ,


To answer your question if there is a difference if you pass the card code or not usually there is, some MSP or Merchant Service Providers may charge you a higher rate for not sending it but again this is something you need to check with your Merchant Account since they are the one who charges you the discount rates.



Administrator Administrator

Oh ok perfect. I thought that section was for SIM. Changed it and its working how i want it now.


Thanks Joy!