Certain valid expiration dates entered posted from my DPM test form fail against my sandbox account with a "card has expired" message. This is a sporadic problem and I'm not quite sure what's triggering it. As you can see, I'm using on of the test MC numbers.
Here's the sample payment form data posted:
x_first_name: Joe
x_last_name: Customer
x_card_num: 5555 5555 5555 4444
x_exp_date: 01/15
x_card_code: 123
Here's log output for the error:
The transaction was declined: credit card MasterCard XXXX4444, Authorize.net CC order with auth code: (subcode: 8, avscode: P). The credit card has expired.
I've used the parameter dump tool to check the values I'm posting, and the payment details posted look fine. I was originally posting the expiration date as MM / YY (spaces around the slash). I've since started to remove all spaces.
As I said, this is sporadic. I think I've been able to submit some other combination with the date 01/15 and the sandbox gateway processes the test successfully. This happens with each test card number (Visa, MC, Amex, etc.).
โ11-09-2014 11:31 PM
I think I've been able to submit some other combination with the date 01/15 and the sandbox gateway processes the test successfully.
So, some combination always fail, and some combination always success?
โ11-10-2014 04:27 AM
Close, but not always. I haven't pinned down exactly the combination that always fails, but I can say that some combinations with the date 12/15, always succeed.
โ11-10-2014 06:12 AM
Works when the month is double digit?
โ11-10-2014 06:25 AM
12/15 seems to work every time. 10/15 has failed from time to time.
โ11-11-2014 08:20 PM
I've systematically gone through and tested MC with each month, starting with the current 11/14 through 01/16. The trend is pretty clear, with the exception of 09/15. So, I'm stripping the leading zero from the expiration date prior to submit. We'll see.
01/15 failed initially. Subsequent submission succeeds.
02/15 failed every attempt
03/15 failed every attempt
04/15 failed every attempt
05/15 failed every attempt
06/15 failed every attempt
07/15 failed every attempt
08/15 failed every attempt
09/15 succeeds
10/15 succeeds
11/15 succeeds
12/15 succeeds
01/16 failed every attempt
โ11-11-2014 10:52 PM
I'm stripping the leading zero from the expiration date prior to submit.
I think it need the leading zero.
โ11-12-2014 04:16 AM
After seeing that almost all dates with leadings zeros fail, I've begun stripping them and it seems to have fixed my problem, at least when operating against my sandbox account.
โ11-12-2014 12:59 PM
Can you remove the "/"
e.g. just do 0115, 0915, 1215, etc
โ11-12-2014 01:46 PM