Dear Sir/Madam
I am using SIM for (VB.Net)
I am having the error 97 code.
I tried it locally and everything works fine.I deploy it to the remote server I have the error 97.
I get the the time from the server , use your tool to see the time difference with, the difference is 1 but I am still having the error 97.
You will find below the code.
I will appreciate any help.
Dim timeStamp As Integer = CInt(((Date.UtcNow - New Date(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds) + 9)
11-28-2011 10:00 AM
There's a time zone option in the control panel settings. Set it to match your server's time zone and the code should work.
11-28-2011 10:38 AM
Thank you for your reply.
The problem is not on my local server.Everything works fine.
It's on the remote server but according to what the tool provided here
This error is received when the timestamp value submitted in x_fp_timestamp is either 15 minutes ahead, or 15 minutes behind in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (this is the equivalent of 900 seconds ahead or 900 seconds behind in Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC).
In my case the time difference is 2 seconds therefore I should not receive this error based on the response code tool you provided
To retrieve the timestamp of my remote server go to and compare it whith your response tool, you will see my point
The code for this link is :
Dim timeStamp As Integer = CInt(((Date.UtcNow - New Date(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds) + 13)
I will appreciate any help
11-28-2011 05:22 PM
You're right, that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense, assuming this is the value you're passing. You're only a few seconds off what the tool claims is the correct value. Can you supply the entire block of code you're using? Please post in a code box (fourth option from the left in Rich Text mode).
11-28-2011 11:47 PM