I'm attempting to update a CustomerPaymentProfile with validationMode = liveMode. It fails because echeck doesn't seem to support this.
Is there any way for me to check if liveMode is supported before attempting an update with validationMode = liveMode?
This processor does not accept zero dollar authorization for this card type.
def update_customer_payment_profile( self, payment, customerPaymentProfileId, first_name, last_name, contact_dictionary, company_name, set_as_default=True, validation_mode=ValidationMode.liveMode): print('Updating customer payment profile', customerPaymentProfileId) address = contact_dictionary.get('address') city = contact_dictionary.get('city') state = contact_dictionary.get('state') zip_code = contact_dictionary.get('zip_code') country = 'US' phone = contact_dictionary.get('phone') paymentProfile = apicontractsv1.customerPaymentProfileExType() paymentProfile.billTo = CustomerProfile.make_billTo( first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, state, zip_code, country, phone) paymentProfile.payment = payment paymentProfile.customerPaymentProfileId = customerPaymentProfileId action = apicontractsv1.updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest() action.merchantAuthentication = self.merchantAuth action.paymentProfile = paymentProfile action.customerProfileId = str( self.instance.authorizenet_customer_profile_id) action.validationMode = validation_mode.value controller = updateCustomerPaymentProfileController(action) controller.execute() response = controller.getresponse() if response.messages.resultCode == OK: msg = 'Successfully created a customer payment profile with id: {}' print(msg.format(customerPaymentProfileId)) if set_as_default: self.instance.authorizenet_default_payment_profile_id = int( customerPaymentProfileId) self.instance.save() return customerPaymentProfileId else: raise AuthorizeNetError(response.messages.message[0]['text'].text) def update_customer_payment_profile_echeck( self, customerPaymentProfileId, account_type, routing_number, account_number, name_on_account, bank_name, customer_type, first_name, last_name, contact_dictionary=None, company_name=None, use_model_address=True, set_as_default=True, validation_mode=ValidationMode.liveMode): contact_dictionary = self.create_contact_dictionary( use_model_address, contact_dictionary) payment = CustomerProfile.make_bankAccount( account_type, routing_number, account_number, name_on_account, bank_name) return self.update_customer_payment_profile( payment, customerPaymentProfileId, first_name, last_name, contact_dictionary, company_name, set_as_default, validation_mode)
06-14-2018 11:40 AM
The documentation for validationMode could be improved, it does not mention eChecks. ValidationMode does not work for eCheck payment profiles because eCheck transactions are not authorized in real-time like credit cards.
validationMode -
Indicates the processing mode for the request. If the customer profile contains no payment data, this field should not be sent.
Use testMode to perform a Luhn mod-10 check on the card number, without further validation. Use liveMode to submit a zero-dollar or one-cent transaction (depending on card type and processor support) to confirm the card number belongs to an active credit or debit account.
06-15-2018 11:36 AM