From Get Customer Payment Profile Response , we are getting masked Card Number. Is there any possible ways to get the exact card number from response. If not, can we get original card number from that masked one? if possible give me an example.
kindly do help me.
Suresh babu R
03-13-2018 03:20 AM
Hi @sureshrb3
You can pass unmaskExpirationDate as true for getting unmasked expiration date in the response.
03-13-2018 10:44 AM
Thanks for your time !! But am asking about the Card Number, not the Card expiration date.
Kindly someone help me in this.
Suresh babu R
03-13-2018 09:12 PM
@sureshrb3 full card number is not returned via APIs .
03-13-2018 09:18 PM
Hi ,
Thanks for your answer!!
Yes full card number will not be returned via API's but we get the masked one's. Now my doubt is can we decrypt or do anything to get the full card number from that masked one.
Initially a payment profile was created with a card say "4111111111111111" and exp date "02-2018". But consider now the card was expired. The user renews the card for new expiry date from bank. Now only the expiry date need to be updated for that payment profile. What should i do. Can we Update Customer Payment Profile without passing card number.
Suresh Babu R
03-13-2018 10:10 PM
@sureshrb3 Yes you can pass the masked card number when updating the payment profile for expiration dates .
Please do check the documentation on the Request tab for getting more information .
cardNumber | The customer’s credit card number. If the value is masked, the last four digits must match the original value in the profile. If a masked value is submitted, the original value will not be updated. |
String, 13 to 16 characters. Masked card numbers accepted.
For example, 4111111111111111 or XXXX1234. |
Also you can test these flows quickly from API reference Try it tab
03-13-2018 10:17 PM - edited 03-13-2018 10:18 PM