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How to pass the cardCode value to createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest for hosted CIM popup form?

I am using the Hosted CIM to store customer information, do not store the CCV cardCode in the CIM.

How do I get the cardCode (entered via the CIM hosted popup form) so that I can process the createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest?

I have not required the CCV code, but transactions fail with the banks that require the code.

I am using the hosted CIM, I query the Customer ID and get the payment profile info using the below code:

            'transaction' => array(
            'profileTransAuthCapture' => array(
                'amount' => $amount_,
                'customerProfileId' => $profile_id,
                'customerPaymentProfileId' => $paymentProfileID,
                'customerShippingAddressId' => $customerShippingAddressId,
                'order' => array(
                'invoiceNumber' => $invNo,
                'description' => 'Subscription'/*,
                'purchaseOrderNumber' => 'PO1'*/
                'taxExempt' => 'false',
                'recurringBilling' => 'false',
                'cardCode' => '000'


Is there not perhaps a way to get the value from the popup form when the customer adds the payment profile, because at that point (on closing the popup form) I check to see if there is a payment profile and then if successful (if there is a payment profile) I process the payment?


I don't think they( is saving it. It just use it for validation. And get payment profile always return masked value anyway. And no, I do think it would let you get something inside the popup.

I tried what you suggested by removing/commenting out 


//'cardCode' => '000'


and the payment was processed and approved by my bank, no xml errors either.


So it looks like it works. I will ask the people that tested with their cards and failed, to try again, this might have solved the problem.


Thanks so much for your help with this.

I really appreciate it.

No problem. Happy to help.