Hi.. I am downloadng your CIM C# sample code. And use web services. Now in my local pc I am Creating Sample page
"Default.aspx" and write function CreateCustomerPaymentProfile(long profile_id) . and call it on Page Load. I am Sign up
and in EXAMPLE_MERCHANT_NAME give Login ID and EXAMPLE_TRANSACTION_KEY gives transuction id.
So can you please tell me how can i test account and in page load i am calling function CreateCustomerPaymentProfile(long profile_id) and which profile_id can i give to work it properly.
Now i am testing so it return "0"
Please help me urgently, i am so new i this field.
Thanks in Advance :manvery-happy:
02-01-2012 06:08 AM
Put it in debug and see what error message is in response.messages and response.validationDirectResponse .
Also, it wasn't clear is your message that you have a valid profile_id, a valid profile_id is required to create payment profile.
02-01-2012 06:19 AM
Hi i am using below test code and it return 0
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using net.authorize.apitest;
using CustomerProfileAPI;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void CreateCustomerPaymentProfile(long profile_id)
CustomerPaymentProfileType new_payment_profile = new CustomerPaymentProfileType();
PaymentType new_payment = new PaymentType();
//BankAccountType new_bank = new BankAccountType();
//new_bank.accountNumber = "4111111";
CreditCardType new_card = new CreditCardType();
new_card.cardNumber = "4111111111111111";
new_card.expirationDate = "2012-10";
new_payment.Item = new_card;
//new_payment.Item = new_bank;
new_payment_profile.payment = new_payment;
//ArrayOfCustomerPaymentProfileType pay_list = new ArrayOfCustomerPaymentProfileType();
CreateCustomerPaymentProfileResponseType response = SoapAPIUtilities.Service.CreateCustomerPaymentProfile(SoapAPIUtilities.MerchantAuthentication, profile_id, new_payment_profile, ValidationModeEnum.liveMode);
long out_id = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.resultCode);
for (int i = 0; i < response.messages.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + response.messages[i].text);
out_id = response.customerPaymentProfileId;
02-01-2012 10:31 PM
1) Did you replace 1234 with a valid customer profile ID? If not, use CreateCustomerProfile method to create one first.
2) Did you run debug and stop a the
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + response.messages[i].text);
Line and see what in response.messages? Really can't help you without knowing the error message.
CIM documentation
02-02-2012 04:25 AM - edited 02-02-2012 04:27 AM