I have an IDTECH SecureMag card reader that was pre-configured to work with authorize.net. As far as I know, it uses encryption level 3.
I have looked through the support documents and manuals both from authorize.net and IDTECH but have not found the details I need.
We are planning on writing an API that will send the plain text output of the card reader to authorize.net. I have found the entries in the documentation that tells me where this code needs to go, but what I couldn't find out is which part of the output needs to be submitted.
As far as I know, the encrypted text should start with "02" and end with "03". The entire output does, but not all of it is encrypted. There are the owner's name and the first and last 4 digits of the card number embedded in plain text within the encrypted code.
The example in your documentation only shows hex input, so I am wondering what it actually is that I need to submit to your API - the entire string starting with "02" and ending with "03", or only the part before/after the plain text information?
I am aware that the reader needs to have a key for the decryption to work - it supposedly was already entered before we got it.
Thanks in advance!
07-01-2015 11:58 AM
I snagged it from an old PDF integration guide. I can't even remember where it was from.
Did the one I provide work?
07-28-2015 05:26 PM
I had the same PDF to work with and have tried the Device Info before without success.
I'm in contact with Authorize.net directly who at this time are saying that my particular reader is not yet supported...
07-29-2015 05:55 AM
Hello @rlund,
Did you ever get this sorted out?
I'm also looking into using an encrypted card reader for a computer, but I haven't been able to find any encrypted readers for Authorize.Net except for those meant to plug into mobile devices like tablets/phones.
Could you tell me where you got your Authorize.Net compatible encrypted card reader from?
08-21-2015 07:49 AM
Sorry, I haven't had any luck with this yet...
As far as I know, the reader I was given to work with is currently NOT supported by authorize.net even though the manufacturer added an official authorize.net key to it.
I honestly don't know what the status is on this (i.e. if authorize.net is working on it or not) as I was told to put the project on hold for the time being.
08-21-2015 07:57 AM
Thanks for the update!
I was afraid that was the situation, Authorize.Net seems utterly uninterested in providing a USB encrytped card reader solution to their customers.
On a side note, if your project allows you to switch out the payment gateway I would highly recommend Element Payment Services (www.elementps.com). Their solution includes encrypted card reader support and even uses the same IDTECH card reader model that you mentioned (IDRE-334133B-E1). I've been using their services for the past 3 or 4 years now and have been very pleased with them.
08-21-2015 08:08 AM - edited 08-21-2015 08:09 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I think we're probably stuck with authorize because we use them for other services already, but we'll see what happens. I think someone said they would work on it on their end, but I have no idea if that's still in the talks or not.
08-21-2015 08:18 AM