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Integrating eCheck into Bigcommerce...Help

I am trying to find someone who is familiar with and integrating that into a Bigcommerce store as eCheck is something that Bigcommerce says will need a developer to do.  Not sure where to turn for that person and stumbled upon this discussion group.


Any reccommendations?  


Thank You,



Using BigCommerce, there are number of ways to achieve the accepting of checks via


An eCheck transaction is similar to a credit card transaction because it uses the createTransactionRequest API call, with the difference being the paymentType element contains a bankAccount section instead of creditCard.


In any case, you would need to have an application set up on your own or another server, for the purpose of creating transactions via's API and updating orders via BigCommerce's API, as BigCommerce doesn't allow the running of your own applications.


The relevant Order fields to be updated on BigCommerce would be:


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First of all, thank you very much for responding.  


When you say BigCommerce doesn't allow the running of your own applications does that mean I cannot hire someone to go in to change the coding inorder to get the site as I want it?  (sorry, my knowledge in thie is very limited).


In reguards to having it set up on my own or on another server, is that a diffucult/time consuming task for someone who has knowledge of development?



Sorry, one last question....Is there a way you know of how to accomplish eCheck similar to Chainpay for Bitcoin?  Chainpay generates a bit of code to put into the Offline Payments instruction box (where instructions would be input if I chose to accept Money Orders).  Somehow it registers once customer has paid using bitcoin back into Bigcommerce.  The order is automatically switched from 'Awaiting Payment' to 'Awaiting Fullfillment'.





You are able to modify the template files at BigCommerce, which is what would enable you to integrate the acceptance of e-checks, by using Javascript or an iframe, exactly there, in the Offline Payments instruction box. They just don't let you run the type of applications that you would need to interact with the API.


It is not very difficult or time consuming to set up this type of application on your own server.


The results would be similar to Chainpay for Bitcoin, in that an Order status would be able to be updated, based on a successful transaction.

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Thank you again, feeling like im headed in a better direction and understand roughly what needs to happen.  


Unfortunately this task is still out of my scope.  My skill level is maxed out at 'copy and paste' code into wherever the directions tell me, lol.


You wouldnt happen to be able to do this type of work for hire would you? :-)  I am currently awaiting a quote from a company but I am afraid of being taken advantage of because I dont know what an appropriate rate should be for a job like this.


I should have taken more computer classes in college... smh

We would be able to implement this functionality for you. Let me know, what their quote is via a private message and I'll tell you if we can do it for any less.

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Thank You....I am still waiting to hear back.  Will send a PM once I have something to compare to :-)

Very good. By the way, we have already implemented the bulk of the functionality on our own BigCommerce development store, in apparently less time than it takes "them" to provide a quote.

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I'm wanting to implement a way to accept echecks through our site.  Only echecks, what we sell is a bit restricted (not illegal) by visa/mastercard so we would need those options taken away for this particular site.


I messaged NexusSoftware and hopefully they can get me a quote on this.

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