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Integration Question (Android Mobile with Windows Server)

We have a custom Android applicatoin that we use on mobile devices to check people in to our system.  It communicates with a local Windows server via web services.  We would like to be able to take payments on the mobile device in the following way:

  • Person walks up to someone with our mobile check-in device.
  • Employee swipes credit card for a set pre-authorization amount.
  • Android device sends card data to local webserver via web services (C#).
  • Local server runs pre-authorization on and responds to android device with success/fail.

My question is, how best to accomplish this?  We do not want the mobile devices talking with directly (they don't have internet access).  We need to remain PCI compliant.  Is there a swiper that will encrypt data in a way that will accept encrypted or do we need to use a swiper that will give us unencrypted track1/track2 data to send to  I just bought a uDynamo swiper and it looks like the Android SDK will give me encrypted data - but it looks like wants the data decrypted.


All suggestions are welcome.



Brett Jones

Hi Brett Jones,
We do not currently support any encrypted swipers. However, this is something that will be changing in the very near future. We are in the process of finalizing agreements so that you will be able to order encrypted swipe devices that are Authorize.Net compatible.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide an exact date on availability. Only that we are finalizing the necessary agreements right now.
Administrator Administrator

do you have a list of currently supported swipers?

Now that you do support swipers that send encrypted data to the Windows server, is there a code snippet or any documentation that tells us what we need to do to send that data to the server?

Hello @JevinInc 


If you visit the mobile page in the developer center, there are links to Androind and iOS SDKs which include sample code for implementing encrypted card data.  Please note that you must be using an encrypted reader injected with the Authorize.Net key.  

