Today i did some data analysis over the transactions that happen on our company's site. I found that a large number of transactions have been declined with a not so descriptive reason text. The data is as shown below
440 transactions have been declined and the following error reasons were given by
response_code = 2
response_reason_code = 2
response_reason_text = This transaction has been declined.
The reason text is not very decriptive so i wanted to request information regarding the real reason of this error. Looking at the records these were transactions where users provided all the required information so it is not likely that these were errors on the customer's side. I appreciate any answer to this dilemma. Thanks!
09-14-2016 04:02 AM
Hello @kofhearts
This response code is a decline by the customer's issuing bank. You will need to contact your merchant service provider for more details.
09-14-2016 06:58 AM