Our AIM integration code begin to fail today all of a sudden throwing an error that it cannot parse the date value of 'Expires' header.
The issue was found with both test and production url's of AIM. From our end we didn't change any integration code.
The error is as follows (note: we use Spring integration's http outbound-gateway to invoke AIM url)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse date value "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00" for "Expires" header
at org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders.getFirstDate(HttpHeaders.java:478)
at org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders.getExpires(HttpHeaders.java:347)
at org.springframework.integration.http.support.DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.getHttpHeader(DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.java:773)
at org.springframework.integration.http.support.DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.toHeaders(DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.java:332)
at org.springframework.integration.http.support.DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.toHeaders(DefaultHttpHeaderMapper.java:61)
While we found a workaround to ignore the header, it is important for us to know exactly what is happening.
Please let me know if any of you have an idea about this.
08-27-2012 06:12 AM
Hello Sameera,
We're taking a closer look at your report and will respond here once I have more information.
08-27-2012 01:13 PM
Sameera, we made a change today which should resolve your issue. Due to the popularity of the Spring Framework, we have updated the format of the date to be compatible with Spring Framework's limited accepted formats.
Please confirm that this is now working properly on your systems.
08-28-2012 03:20 PM