To whom it may concern,
I am currently building a Java Software and trying to integrate AIM with my software. I am able to successfully create an Authorize Only Transaction (inserts order w/ pricing, customer information, billing information, invoice #, etc.). When the CC is accepted, I store the Authorization Code and Transaction ID in my database. Now, when I want to run a sale and charge the customer, I use the PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE method. However, the authorization amount is captured and not the new amount that is less than the authorization amount. Any help will greatly be appreciated. The code is as follows:
Transaction priorAuthTransaction = merchant.createAIMTransaction(TransactionType.PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE,null);
priorAuthTransaction.setMerchantDefinedField("x_trans_id", transactionId);
priorAuthTransaction.setMerchantDefinedField("x_amount", String.valueOf(amtDue));
Result<Transaction> result = (Result<Transaction>)
โ12-11-2012 09:22 AM
instead of null, pass in the amount as Decimal.
โ12-11-2012 12:46 PM