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Refund a cummalative amount debited from a customer


I'll be having a business scenario where I need to refund a cummalative amount debited from a customer through multiple transactions under same profile.

Scenario:   We have a Customer Profile(C1).We have made 2 payment transactions with C1 namely T1 ($300) and T2 ($400) . Also We have a ARB transaction associated with it in such a way that the monthly payment is ($100)

Currently , We have debited T1,T2 and first 2 installments in the ARB , So totally we have debited $900 from the Customer.

Now Will I be able to call a Refund API against this customer for refunding $800?
If possible, which Transaction ID should I mention in the Refund API Request?

Note: I want to know whether the Refund transaction happens against a payment transaction or a customer profile?

Suresh Babu R


You can refund each transaction individually either from the API or the Merchant Interface. That is the easiest way.


If it is a requirement to process the refund in a single transaction you will need to contact customer support to have that feature enabled.

Administrator Administrator

Thanks for your answer!

Yes it is the requirement. Which feature need to be enabled to meet this requirement.


Suresh Babu R

Its more of an account setting than a feature. Just describe the scenario to customer support and that you want to credit without using the reference transaction ids and they should be able to help you out with the next step.

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