I am trying to update from SIM to using the Accept Hosted payment form solution. I am redirecting the users to the Authorize Net payment form, so I can keep the existing behavior of SIM without needing to embed the form in my own page. I would like to record that a payment was made (and its amount) in my own system so I can internally show the amount of outstanding fees remaining. The SIM method would return a form post with this information to allow me to store it. However the documentation for Accept Hosted says the Continue and Cancel buttons redirecting back to my site perform a simple GET request. So there is no way to confirm the payment was processed correctly and retrieve the amount paid solely from the Continue button.
I’ve tried using webhooks to report completed transaction information back to my system, but the timing of the notification being delivered does not seem to be precise. Is a webhook guaranteed to report a notification of an auth-capture in a specific time frame? Because otherwise there will be a period between the user completing their payment and the payment being reported to my system during which my stored outstanding balance record will still show the payment has not yet been made.
If I want to be able to immediately detect if a payment had been made, is there any way to do that using the Accept Hosted solution? I don’t want to use an embedded form because from the user’s point of view it appears less secure.
03-13-2018 08:31 AM