We were using PHP SDK from https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sdk-php.
It was working but then suddenly stop working. Our issue is that the response is returning empty. Any ideas?
โ10-12-2015 08:30 AM
Still doesn't work for us either.
Folks, it's going on two weeks now since this first became an issue.
Can you please do something about it?
All our development and QA work involving Authorize.net is at a standstll, and has been since this first started.
โ10-19-2015 09:31 AM
Checking those still reporting issues, all are using Java so I've escalated this again to the API Team.
โ10-19-2015 10:09 AM
For me sandbox is working. But now the live transaction is not working gettting error "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate"
โ10-19-2015 10:14 AM
Just FYI i am using PHP SDK
โ10-19-2015 10:17 AM
Yes, exactly we are not having any trouble in the Sandbox but some LIVE clients are having issues. How do we get this fixed? They are complaining. We will be sending them to you to do their complaining now!
โ10-19-2015 10:39 AM
I have analyzed and addressed the following "issue" which may be relevant to this thread:
It was observed that there was an intermittent failure when using Authorize.NET's Java SDK version 1.8.5 (which is dependent on HttpClient 4.0.1). Occasionally, when posting a transaction to "/xml/v1/request.api", we would get a response of "100 Continue" - this is part of the expect-continue feature of HTTP 1.1. A response from within the Anet SDK wouldn't occur and a timeout would be reached.
The SDK was submitting requests to the API which included the "Expect: 100-continue", and the Sandbox Authorize API was either responding with "200 OK" or "100 Continue" - I wasn't able to identify the pattern, if there is one. But, it would be expected that a response of "100 Continue" would be acceptable, because the client stated that in the request headers. This "intermittent" characteristic is why you see a number of people reporting intermittent successes.
HttpClient 4.0.1's default behavor is to use Expect / Continue. The Anet SDK unfortunately doesn't provide a way to inject a custom configured HttpClient. So, I had to pull in the 1.8.5 tag from Git. (Thank you for making the source code available.) I added the following after line 81 of net.authorize.util.HttpClient:
httpPost.getParams().setBooleanParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, Boolean.FALSE);
The USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE parameter is described here. (Apache doesn't seem to host the old 4.0.1 API anymore.)
There's a blurb in HttpClient's release notes about a fix that went in with version 4.0.2: "Non-repeatable entity enclosing requests are not correctly retried when 'expect-continue' handshake...
And, HttpClient's 4.1 appears to have changed the default: "'expect: continue' handshake disabled per default."
I sincerely hope this helps.
โ10-19-2015 03:18 PM - edited โ10-19-2015 03:19 PM
Good information Xmrk!
I use the web form post, not the Java API and have the intermitent problem. Maybe the sandbox uses the API on the back end...
โ10-20-2015 06:17 AM
We've been experiencing this as well for about a week now and just found this thread.
- Java 1.7
- Linux CentOS 6
- anet-java-sdk 1.1.0
As far as we know this is only affecting our SANDBOX environments.
โ10-20-2015 10:31 AM
Did you guys able to figure out what is the issue here. It hangs at this point#
10/20/15 23:19:55,590: INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-10] (net.authorize.util.LogHelper:24) - Use Proxy: 'false'
I am using CIM API, I am facing this issue from last seven please fix asap.
Machine details :
Ubuntu 15.04
โ10-20-2015 11:32 PM
Hello Team,
Do you have any update on this request. Still having this issue.
10/20/15 23:19:55,590: INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-10] (net.authorize.util.LogHelper:24) - Use Proxy: 'false'
struck at this step, while creating customer profile using CIM API.
โ10-20-2015 11:37 PM