I've noticed over the last couple days that transactions are not completeing or timing out in the sabdbox. See below. I have to abort my process and try multiple times to get it working. It always hangs at the same spot, Connection: keep-alive. Using AIM. Just now 3 attempts and it hangs each time at the same spot.
Is there a timeout setting I can add so it aborts the transaction after 15 seconds?
Has anyone had this problem in the production enviornment?
2015-10-14 16:00:01,905 INFO [http-nio-80-exec-10] BSG (CreditCardProc.java:52) - credit card trans:
2015-10-14 16:00:01,905 INFO [http-nio-80-exec-10] BSG (CreditCardProc.java:53) - params: proc id: 1; type: VISA; account: 4111111111111111; auth code: ; amount: 70.0; security code: 390; resp msg: ; proc ref: ; Orig id: ; Ref id: 1000
2015-10-14 16:00:01,906 INFO [http-nio-80-exec-10] BSG (CreditCardProc.java:54) - resp:
2015-10-14 16:00:01,943 INFO [http-nio-80-exec-10] util.HttpClient (LogHelper.java:24) - Use Proxy: 'false'
2015-10-14 16:00:02,127 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] conn.SingleClientConnManager (SingleClientConnManager.java:195) - Get connection for route HttpRoute[{s}->https://test.authorize.net]
2015-10-14 16:00:02,407 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] protocol.RequestAddCookies (RequestAddCookies.java:131) - CookieSpec selected: best-match
2015-10-14 16:00:02,428 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] client.DefaultHttpClient (DefaultRequestDirector.java:481) - Attempt 1 to execute request
2015-10-14 16:00:02,428 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] conn.DefaultClientConnection (DefaultClientConnection.java:244) - Sending request: POST /gateway/transact.dll HTTP/1.1
2015-10-14 16:00:02,428 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "POST /gateway/transact.dll HTTP/1.1[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,430 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,430 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "Content-Length: 270[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,430 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "Host: test.authorize.net[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,430 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "Connection: Keep-Alive[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,430 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.0.1 (java 1.5)[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "Expect: 100-Continue[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:248) - >> POST /gateway/transact.dll HTTP/1.1
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> Content-Length: 270
2015-10-14 16:00:02,431 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> Host: test.authorize.net
2015-10-14 16:00:02,432 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> Connection: Keep-Alive
2015-10-14 16:00:02,432 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.0.1 (java 1.5)
2015-10-14 16:00:02,432 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:251) - >> Expect: 100-Continue
2015-10-14 16:00:04,435 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - >> "x_tran_key=3x8vnRBpZ26Jr27X&x_allow_partial_Auth=FALSE&x_card_num=4111111111111111&x_method=CC&x_delim_data=TRUE&x_exp_date=32020&x_relay_response=FALSE&x_login=34k9PJz4&x_version=3.1&x_amount=70.00&x_test_request=FALSE&x_type=AUTH_CAPTURE&x_delim_char=%7C&x_encap_char="
2015-10-14 16:00:04,478 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - << "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:04,485 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - << "X-N: S[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:04,485 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - << "Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 20:00:04 GMT[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:04,485 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - << "Connection: keep-alive[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:04,485 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.wire ( Wire.java:78) - << "[EOL]"
2015-10-14 16:00:04,487 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] conn.DefaultClientConnection (DefaultClientConnection.java:229) - Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
2015-10-14 16:00:04,487 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:232) - << HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
2015-10-14 16:00:04,487 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:235) - << X-N: S
2015-10-14 16:00:04,487 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:235) - << Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 20:00:04 GMT
2015-10-14 16:00:04,488 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-10] http.headers (DefaultClientConnection.java:235) - << Connection: keep-alive
10-14-2015 01:05 PM
Having the same issue here in the sandbox. When I fire a focused Test in NetBeans, I hang at the exact same line. The web interface I wrote instead quickly fails with a 502 Bad Gateway response. Don't know if the two are related or coincidence.
...Upon closer inspection, I never get anything back from authorize.net on the first pass. It hangs on that line for 5 to 10 minutes, then I get NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond. On the second attempt, it seems to always go through normally.
10-14-2015 01:30 PM
Same issue here.
Same log messages.
Customer Service told us there's been problems since last Tuesday, October 6 2015.
Until this gets fixed, our dev team is basically dead in the water!!
10-15-2015 08:43 AM
Please following the instructions in the thread below to provide information to further troubleshoot this issue.
10-15-2015 09:21 AM