Hello. We used to be able to put a credit item on an invoice, as long as the total invoice > 0. This has changed recently, because my application is now throwing an error saying that the credit amount falls below the minimum.
We really need to show credit items on the invoice. For example, we have coupons that give 10$ off, and we want this to be on a line item so the customer can see it. I don't know why this was taken away, but we really need to be able to do this.
How can we show coupons (with a < 0 amount) on a line item on an invoice now? (We are using CIM).
05-01-2015 07:07 AM
Your application? or is that an authorize.net error? what the response code/reason code?
What invoice? the email from authorize.net?
05-01-2015 07:53 AM