I want to use the simple checkout button for donations on our page. But I would like to be able to send the page the amount the user has selected on our page and have it automatically enter this into the other field. Is there a way to do this with the simple button?
10-18-2012 03:07 PM
Not that I know of, you can't send anything else to it.
10-19-2012 04:22 AM
So what API do I have to use then? All I want to send is the amount, nothing else. I want Auth.net to handle everything else but the amount. How do I do this?
10-19-2012 06:25 AM
maybe SIM? or DPM.
10-19-2012 07:06 AM
I ended up going with SIM but that's a pain really since I have to have an intermediary PHP page to generate the hash and all. Man Wepay and Paypal are much simplier people, just a simple button that can pass recurring and amount's, what is so hard about that :)
10-19-2012 07:14 AM
Just auto-submit your form on the second page using Javascript. It's ridiculously easy.
10-19-2012 11:58 AM