We have restrict transaction receipt(which is sent by authorize.net) email if transaction is of type "Authorize only" and allow to sent trasaction receipt if transaction is of type "Authcapture".
We have inegreated CIM.
So can anyone please tell me is above issue can be handled by using API (CIM)?
If yes then let me know how is this possible.
Thanks in Advance.
09-30-2015 10:57 PM
I have resolve above mention issue by set "x_email_customer=FALSE" in createCustomerProfileTransaction() function of CIM.
$request = new AuthorizeNetCIM;
$transaction->amount = $amount;
$transaction->customerProfileId = $customer_profile_id;
$transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $customerPaymentProfileId;
$transaction->order->invoiceNumber = $eve_regid;
$response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthOnly", $transaction,'x_email_customer=FALSE');
but one new question arise when execute above code,
If i need to pass more than extraparameters like x_email_customer,x_duplicate_window in createCustomerProfileTransaction() then how can we apply more than one extraparameters in that function?
I have tried following code but it didn't work,
$response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthOnly", $transaction,'x_email_customer=FALSE,x_duplicate_window =0');
Thanks in advance.
10-01-2015 02:36 AM
Talked to an Authorize.net service rep today.
Emailing the customer a receipt from within Authorize.net should NOT be done. What they have of that feature was intended to be something of a “last resort” for the merchant who had no way themselves of sending a receipt to the card holder.
We are thus changing our code to make an additional request to Authorize.net to obtain a transaction’s details, of which we only need the customer (cardholder) email address. We force that the email address be provided on the Authorize.net payment UI, so said field will always be present.
After that, we will send our own receipt to the cardholder.
08-29-2019 04:58 PM