Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Limit on API calls per hour/minute? Solved

I’m redesigning the backend on my clients website. I have a database that has a list of all the transactions and some of the transaction details.I think the easiest way may be to loop through the transaction numbers and do a getTransactionDetails met...

ARB recurring - modify date of next charge

I'm looking for a way to modify the next charge date for a recurring ARB subscription. The scenario is that we accept auto-renewing memberships (recurring payments), and our renewal year is Jan-Dec. If a person joins late in the year, they receive me...

The remote name could not be resolved: ''

System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: '' at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(...

Accept Hosted - IFrame Communicator Lightbox - JSP

I have an issue calling the IFrameCommunicator on my jsp page. We are aiming for the credit card payment through IFrame lightbox on our application (jsp). I am facing challenges with the IFrameCommunicator.html as nothing in this html seems to be cal...

convert one-time AIM to recurring ARB Solved

We have a number of one-time AIM transactions that need to be converted to ARB recurring subscriptions. That can be done in the UI, but I need to be able to script this. The API suggests this can be done with:


Using Log4j2 with AIM

Is Anet 1.9.9 SDK AIM compaitable with log4j2? I have the logging set to where I want it using lig4j1 but I've upgraded to log4j2 and it doesn't seem like my settings are being recognized. I've included the following from the SDK resources log4j.prop...


Error on API request using AuthorizeNet.DLL

On specific systems only, when we call an Authorize.Net API method (production server only), we are getting the following failure: "The underlying connection was closed. An unexpected error occurred on a receive." In researching the web, we have foun...

Accept Hosted iframe not working in iOS

We've been using the Accept Hosted embedded iframe for several years now. Recently we've noticed that the "Add a New Payment Method" link (to add a credit card) does not work on iOS. I've tried several different devices (iPhone, iPad) with different ...

Webhook Notifications not firing

Hello,i was working on the webhook events on my sandbox account and had the configured as the endpoint to receive the webhook notifications, all was working great but today i was wrapping up the work and wanted to add the emai...

Python (Odoo) - Authorise and Capture Response

We work with a Authorize module for Odoo V10 written in Python which is not getting an answer into our ERP from during capture and authorize.( Authorize.NET Integration By Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) We have tested multiple codes ...

GetCustomerProfile Fails

Hi, I am trying to get all the customers profiles and using GetCustomerProfileRequest. However there are duplicate profiles exist with the same email and cc information and my request to GetCustomerProfileRequest is failing. I am getting message: Mul...


Oauth State parameter with special character being altered

I am working on adding Oauth support to my API integration. My existing system has logic in place to use the "state" parameter both to validate and redirect users to the necessary page after requesting the initial token. I am looking to...


AcceptUI has issues loading initially on low bandwidth clients

It seems that the AcceptUI modal has problems doing initial loading on low bandwidth clients. The issue can be verified with browser cache disabled (Test Case is: new initial donation from client) and throttling via either:chrome developer tools thro...

Authorize.NET & PayPal Express Checkout - Guest Checkout

Hi there, We are implementing Authorize.NET AIM with PayPal express checkout and have everything working both in the sandbox environment and in production with our client, but when you do an authorize/capture and are redirected to the express checkou...

C# add settingType to transactionRequest

We are trying to implement the new API in order to handle level II processing. I need to pass the duplicateWindow parameter to my transaction. I can't seem to hold my mouth right to pass dup to the transactionRequest. Could some one please tell me ho...

updating a transaction with a customer order number

I am using the accept hosted option to create a transaction in When I create the initial request, I do not have my custom in-system order number. I get that in my system later. Is there any way I can update a transaction with my customer or...

AcceptUI issues

AcceptUI doesn't seem to use the merchant account settings for only accepting the supported card types for processing. Am testing with a sandbox account and when disabling acceptance of a certain type of card the AcceptUI form still allows it. Also i...

Accept Hosted Form: Truncated Last Zero

We have noticed that the pricing/amount of the payment form is not showing all of of the cent values. For example, when we set the amount to "25.00" or "25.50", the price on the payment form is shown as "$25.0" or "25.5" respectively. If the payment ...


Update ARB Subscription Request - Error E00013

I'm trying to update arb subscriptions to point at new customer payment profiles. However, the API returns error E00013 with message "Phone is invalid. Phone can be one of following formats: 111- 111-1111 or (111) 111-1111." I'm not even submitting t...

Generating Sandbox eCheck Settlement Declines

Is there a way to generate a decline at the time of settlement for eCheck transactions? I am attempting to account for the case where an eCheck transaction may be initially approved, but decline at the time of settlement due to insufficient funds (or...

handshake_failure when using TLS1.2 to sandbox Solved

We got an email from indicating we were not using TLS1.2 and that they would be dropping other suites. I went to investigate and found we were indeed using TLS1.2. But when I attempt to connect to the sandbox ( I getj...

Revenue Tracking Through Google Analytics

We've been trying to get revenue tracking for one of our websites and so far we've been able to upload our scripts everywhere except for the payments page (contained within an iframe on a ClockPMS booking engine page). Even though the script is on th...

Accept.js is not loaded correctly

Hello,I using an Accept.js method to accept an payment, but in few of the transactions its not getting the tokenize data. Its seems that it fails to load/call Accept.js file due to which its fails to create the tocken data (datavalue & dataDescriptor...

Create customer payment profile from transaction Solved

Hi, I am working on a project where I need to create ARB for existing transactions. There are no customer profiles in the account.I thought creating customer profile from transaction (using email) which is successfully completed. However customer pay...

Accept.js: Always sets bank account type as checking

Hi,I am trying to save bank account details by using Accept.js. But when I get the customet payment profile, system returns account type as checking even though I passed businessChecking while creating the payment nonce.