I receive my token just fine, what are the next steps to set up the form fields for the post to
Do I call certain API's, a little confused by the docs on this REST interface?
When I call :
$lineItem1 = new AnetAPI\LineItemType();
Is this really generating the XML to be sent.
Do I need to use the API to correctly generate the XML for AN to accept it?
I have had a working version som SIM for over 8 years and the conversion is causing lots of problems, I use REST interfaces on other interfaces and they usually create a code example of a start to finish, I have looked at the ones on GitHub, but they all seem to assume facts not in evidence!
I am hoping one of you experts can lend me a hand on this.
โ03-12-2019 08:58 AM
NO pure PHP, and the API via And I do get a token back, then post page as per docs to
function get_an_token(AnetAPI\MerchantAuthenticationType $ma,$invoice,AnetAPI\TransactionR equestType $an_obj,array $stary = null) { if(is_null($stary)) { $stary = $this->get_form_option(); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------- $ma = $this->merchant_authenticate(); $request = new AnetAPI\GetHostedPaymentPageRequest(); $request->setMerchantAuthentication($ma); $request->setRefId($invoice);//refId is the invioce $request->setTransactionRequest($an_obj); $stary = $this->get_form_options(); if(count($stary) > 0) { foreach($stary as $skey => $sval) { if($this->DEBUG) { $this->logEvent("INFO: SKEY[".$skey."]"); } $request->addToHostedPaymentSettings($sval); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- //EXECUTE REQUEST //----------------------------------------------------------- $controller = new AnetController\GetHostedPaymentPageController($request); if($this->mode == '1' or $this->mode == '4') { $response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEn vironment::SANDBOX); } elseif($this->mode == '3') { $response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEn vironment::PRODUCTION); } else { $this->logEvent("ERROR: UNKNOWN MODE[".$this->mode."] ***** SPECIFIED *****"); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------- //SET RESPONSE //----------------------------------------------------------- if (($response != null) && ($response->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok")) { $this->token = $response->getToken(); if($this->DEBUG){$this->logEvent("INFO: TOKEN RECEIVED[".$this->token."]");} $message = $response->getMessages()->getMessage(); foreach($message as $mkey => $mval) { $this->logEvent("INFO: ".$message[$mkey]->getCode(). " ".$message[$mkey]->getText()); } } else { $this->logEvent("ERROR: Failed to get hosted payment page token"); $error_message = $response->getMessages()->getMessage(); $this->logEvent("ERROR: ".$error_message[0]->getCode()." ".$error_message[0]->getTe xt()); } return($response);
โ03-12-2019 11:48 AM - edited โ03-12-2019 11:50 AM
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โ03-12-2019 12:12 PM
โ03-14-2019 08:03 PM