Does anyone know if say a refund, or void (an action that takes places on a specific transaction id) will use the paymentProfile details that were present at the time of the transaction, or will they be processed against the current values. Meaning that an update to that paymenProfile has taken place since the time of the transaction in question.
02-17-2012 10:04 PM
For Refund Transactions
If you are submitting a refund against a previous CIM transaction, the following guidelines apply:
- include customerProfileId, customerPaymentProfileId, and transId.
- customerShippingAddressId is optional.
- creditCardNumberMasked, bankRoutingNumberMasked, and bankAccountNumberMasked do not need to be included, but they will be validated if they are included.
From this context, I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards the money being refunded to the payment profile you choose, but could also be looking for a match against the profiles used in the previous transaction. The only way to find out for sure is to generate a transaction in production live mode, and then try to refund it using a second payment profile. If you get an error, then you know it has to match; if it doesn't, then the refund goes to the profile you choose.
02-18-2012 01:39 AM