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Updating Payment Profile Expiration Date

Is there some way to update only the expiration date for a credit card payment profile?

From the documentation:

Number can also be masked, for example, XXXX1111
Notes: If the value is masked, the last four digits must match the original value in the profile.
If a masked value is submitted, the original value will not be updated.

However, any billing address or other billing info will need to be passed again, so it's best to load the existing profile and just update the parts that need it before sending the data back.

Hi, I'm in the process of making my site PCI-compliant and I'm giving customers the ability to update just the expiration date on an existing payment profile. I thought I needed to use Accept.js for this so that the expiration date doesn't make it to my server and instead I use dataDescriptor and dataValue. However, when I pass Accept.js the masked credit card number it says it's not valid. So...


  1. Should I not being using Accept.js if I'm only updating the expiration date? Will I still be PCI-compliant if my server deals with the masked card number and the expiration date?
  2. If I should be using Accept.js how do I get around this?

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