Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Accept Hosted Form CSS & JS 404 errors

Hi, I trying to integrate to Accept hosted feature, but now I'm getting 404 errors when render the form in an iframe. The resources for the hosted form are relative paths and seems to be linking to my local address, and get 404 errors for each css an...

Cost of website integration Solved Locked

Hello,I would like to get a rough estimate of integration cost to set up an payment gateway on our website where customers would go to enter and store their credit card information, so that our organization can charge their cards a vari...

Get Customer Profile unable to reffrence cardNumber

How do I cast the masked CC numbers from the responce? I tried doing a foreach (var s in response.profile.paymentProfiles)and then drilling into s.payment.item.cardNumber But that does not seem to be option.


using accept hosted page autofill from input

1. have written procedure to get token2. Included Ordertype for orderNo3. included customeraddresstype to have billing information sent to form so user will not have to retype information that is stored in a database. How do you have the form have th...


Null Response from Sandbox in Java

I can use visa to do purchase with production api login id and transaction key by using real credit card data in java. Yet when I do sandbox test in java, it fails. Response is null. The detail error message is "sun.reflect.annotation.TypeNotPresentE...


Authorize Continue Button Issue

Hi Aaron Wright I have written a code for credit card registration through using Rails Framework. Below is the process I followed. 1. Generated the CustomerProfileID from Authorize.net2. Using CustomerProfileID, generated a Token to loa...

Accept.js and card present transactions

I have been using Accept.js and it is all working fine. But is it possible to do Card Present transactions with this framework? I can't see reference to it anywhere. Craig

How to use OpaqueDataType in accept android sdk

Hello!! How are you Now i am working android accept sdk. Already i worked transaction callbak and got Success (received dataDescriptor and dataValue). In next step, i want use OpaqueDataType. OpaqueDataType op = new OpaqueDataType(); op.setDataDescri...

eCheck test txns on sandbox today - can't get an approval

Hi, Previously I have been able to get an eCheck approval response from the sandbox using these key-value pairs: @account_name="roger dodger", Â @account_number="40798399", Â @account_type="BUSINESSCHECKING", Â @amount="13.01", Â @bank_name="Federal ...

Accept Hosted E00013 C# Solved

Not sure where to look for this problem, Trying to get the C# sample code working but the responce is alwasy E00013 Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: h. Path '', line 0, position 0." public static string GetCheckoutPage(String Api...

NetStandard Library 2.0

Please update your AuthorizeNet dll to be able to be compatible the NetStandard Library 2.0. No excuses now as 2.0 includes thousands of .NET APIs. When will this be released? Be definitive please! Thanks!

Accept mobile SDK for IOS

Hello!!!I am using Accept SDK in IOS.My code was made base object-c and i used AcceptSDK.framework.AcceptSDKHandler *handler = [[AcceptSDKHandler alloc] initWithEnvironment:AcceptSDKEnvironmentENV_TEST]; AcceptSDKRequest *request = [[AcceptSDKRequest...

Email not being added to customer transactions

When I post a transaction the customers email is not captured in the detail. Then the customer does not recieve a transactiopn email. All othr values in the billing record do go through. Here is my code public static ANetApiResponse Run( String _card...


Merchant name and line items not showing gethostedpaymentpage

I have the following code implemented and everything is working fine except when the payment form comes up the merchant name and line items are not shown. There is no error, they just are not there. The transaction amount is shown, the bill to inform...


having problem getting payment pay with token

I can get a token but how do i write the url to get the pagethis is in the testing mode and get the message missing or invaild token how do i put the token number in th url

Hosted payments getting started, no response from Curl Solved

I'm trying to connect to the Authorize API to use hosted payments. I have downloaded the demo App and from there started integrating the basic connection code into my App.However, i cannot get an active connection using my credentials in either the d...

Regular Contributor

Generic/Test Nonce for testing Locked

Hi, Wondering if there is a list of accepted test Nonce/OTS strings that can be used while developing? I'm testing out an API call (to the createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest method), but rather than using the XML node, I'm trying with the XML node...

cardCode' element is invalid

Hello!!!I am working on IOS app.Sandbox mode is working well.but in live mode i have get "cardcode element is invalid" error.I can not find what is issue. 2017-08-14 03:45:07.242 PuntaService[906:35025] MY#=OkI00001Successful.mqary$dx8UEE1NFFoJXUmpvi...


trying to get authorizecredtcard to work in C#

I am trying to get the authorized credit card to work i made a simple website to test the code before putting it in the website. i am geting an error near this code I did get authcapturetransaction to workthe error isObject reference not set to an in...

Importing from another paywall, subscription issues/questions Solved

I am currently working on a script to import our current users from another paywall to My script works well but I have some concerns that I need to identify in order to ensure a smooth transition without upsetting the userbase. My firs...


Accept.js with ARB python

I'm trying to create a subscription. There is this python gist The problem is this does it with the credit card info. I'm trying to use the accept.js and pass that to make the subscription. Is there a sample code of this?

Regular Contributor


While whipping up some code to directly use the API, I spent some time sussing out why the JSON response was crashing things. Turns out it's because it is returning a UTF-8+BOM character encoded string, which it definitely should not. As written in t...

accept hosted popup opens then quickly closes. Solved

This only hapens with I place Manage My Account in side the page's existing Form tag. Manage My AccountIf I place it between the form tags it works correctly. Manage My Account Can any one shed some light on why this is happening?

Upcoming TLS 1.2 and 3DES changes on Windows 2008 standard Solved

In a recent "technical update" email from we were informed that TLS 1.2 will not be required until Feb 28, 2018 (instead of in September of 2017). It however further indicates that the 3DES Cipher will be retired on September 18th.Now, ...

Error on accessing a cross-origin frame

Hi, I am hosting an add payment form inside my page and I am using ICommunicator.html from the samle application. I am able to host the form but communication between iframe and parent is not happening and it throwing an error about "Un...


E00114 Invalid OTS Token Solved

I’m working on a website using accept.js. It is a wordpress site and there are two places within a plugin where I am displaying a payment form. For both of these places, I use the same credit card form (so the same ClientKey and apiLoginID are added ...

Android SDK version problem

Hello I need use android sdk. So, i checked this android SDK But this SDK is only use over android version 21 I need use over android version 15. How can use this SDK for that. please help me !!!!

Chinese characters in CIM

Hi, Chinese characters are not supported in CIM? Please confirm this assumption. Are you planning support other encondings than iso-8859-1 in CIM? br,Mikael

Python SDK Returns Null For All Queries Solved

So I just created a sandbox account and got my API ID and KEY I went to the following link and followed it's instrucitons: So I installed the python SDK module with:pip install authorizenetThen ran the cod...