Since 19-Oct-2015 at 12:41:13 Pacific, all our eCheck transactions in the Sandbox are being declined. Prior to that the status was "Captured/Pending Settlement".
Tthe transaction detail of all of the declined transactions have a Transaction Status of "Declined (Card declined by issuer - Contact card issuer to determine reason.)"
The result message code is E00027 and the text is a generic "This transaction has been declined."
We are using a standard Wells Fargo checking account routing number, with an appropirately sized account number.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
10-20-2015 03:06 PM
Hello @pgarvie
As mentioned in the testing guide, sandbox accounts have a default monthly transaction limit of $5000. Transactions exceeding that limit will be declined. Use the contact us form to request an increase.
10-20-2015 03:13 PM
Thanks for the quick response.
We've put in a request for an increase.
10-20-2015 04:13 PM