I need to retrieve my customer profile id's from my account. I created a php script that works fine on my sandbox account which only has a couple of customers. Although when I point the script to my production account which has several hundred customers loaded, the script times out after 30 seconds or so.
How can I avoid this problem?
After 30 seconds or so, the error message is as follows:
unable to connect to ssl://api.authorize.net:443 (Connection timed out)
05-26-2015 03:17 PM
Well I went ahead and tried the script from an http request rather than the https and it worked! I guess the problem is solved!
05-26-2015 03:22 PM
Well, it seems to be sporatic. It did work a couple of times on my production system, but the timeout issues are still appearing causing the script to fail.
05-26-2015 04:25 PM
CIM is down today.
In any case, try to not use http for transmitting critical information such as client data.
05-26-2015 04:30 PM
Today, May 27, 2015, we are still seeing a 15% connection timeout rate with the CIM gateway. Of 800 transactions today, we have had over 115 timeout. That is not "All Systems Operational" in my book.
When can we expect Authorize.net CIM gateway to be fully functional again?
05-27-2015 05:27 PM