When making an XML request to `getTransactionListForCustomer` instead of returning the expended response title of `getTransactionListForCustomerResponse`, we instead get the title `getTransactionListResponse`. This is causing an issue with the ActiveMerchant ruby gem as it expects the request title, and response title to correspond consistently.
This issue can even be replicated in the API console here (just be sure to select XML, it doesn't seem to affect JSON): https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/index.html#transaction-reporting-get-customer-profile-...
10-21-2020 09:01 AM
The production response for getTransactionListForCustomerRequest is getTransactionListResponse. I'm requesting that the documentation be updated to the correct response.
10-22-2020 10:23 AM
Thanks for the information PrepaidCardStatus.
10-28-2020 04:55 AM
02-27-2021 01:53 AM