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how to get a complete list of unsettled transactions?




"The function will return data for up to 1000 of the most recent transactions."


How do I search for unsettled transaction not within that list of 1000 unsettled transactions?


Settled transations have batch ids and date ranges for searching, but if an unsettled transaction is more than 1000 transactions old, I can't find it until it becomes settled within the next 24 hours (hopefully).


I working in a situation where we can have 1000+ transaction within a few hours.  When I make that api call I can't find unsettled transations made beyond that window.


Is there an API for forcing unsettled transactions to become settled and placed somewhere with a batch id?


What are my options?




Transations only settled once a day. Are you not saving the transactionID on your database?


I'm trying to use the transaction API to fix rare occations when the transaction id fails to save into the database.  I'm searching by invoice.


Today I just found an unsettled transaction from 08-Aug-2014 18:09:44.  Using the Authorize.Net website I can search by credit card number and find the transaction and manually update the transaction id.


I believe that since this isn't a settled transaction, when I search the settled transaction batch ids for this invoice, the search fails.


Currently the list of 1000 unsettled transactions supplied by the API goes back to about 9:40 am this morning.


If I wait, will this transaction become 'settled' at the end of the business day?



transaction settled once a day on the time set on the mechant account settings.

Are you referring to the 'Transaction Cut-Off Time'? Mine is set for 8:00 PM PDT.


Specifically, this problem transaction is from 18:09:44 PDT (6:09 PM) on a Friday.  Today is Monday.


Can a transaction with status 'Authorized/Pending Capture' ever be settled?

(The transaction didn't get captured because the transaction id is lost somewhere).


Is it still unsettled because it hasn't been a full business day?

Does it need to be captured/pending settlement to be settled?



No. a pending capture is never going to settled, is wait for capture first



(The transaction didn't get captured because the transaction id is lost somewhere).

not sure what this mean as if you can see the transaction in the transactionid is right there.

The transaction id returned by Authorization.Net's response message is sometimes not saved correctly (lost on our end), so we have invoices with no transaction ids that are unable to be programically captured.


It sounds like the only way to catch and fix this error is to search the list of 1000 unsettled transactions as fast as possible, otherwise, a human has to manually log into and search for the transaction id.

It there a reason to do auth_only and not auth_capture? long time between order and ship date?

I know this is an  old post, however, it doesn't look like its been resolved.


We also have alot more than 1,000 unsettled transcactions that we have review on a daily basis.  Currently we are going to auth dashboard and exporting a file with all the unsettled transactions. This is a painstaking onerous task that we need to automate.


Has anyone been able to retrieve more than 1,000 unsettled transactions at time using the "Get Unstettled Transaction List" API function?




Hello @rshandel


It is currently not possible to retrieve more than 1000 unsettled transactions using our API.  You are welcome to post this as a new feature using our Ideas forum. This will allow others to vote on and make suggestions to improve the request.
