i am trying to find a good sample of using the authorize.net payment form in an iframe and also sample of lightbox. I am doing this so that the customer can see which one they want. I can get the payment form to show on authorize.net website page. but can not seem to find an good exaple on the other ways
08-19-2017 10:44 AM
Hi NexusSoftware,
I am looking the sample for integrating the authorizeNet using iframe as you shown in below example in java. So can you share the link or source code for reference.
10-30-2018 10:26 PM
The example is related to .net core. Anything specific to asp.net webforms related to iframe accept hosted payment page. The php example is not helping me much (I apologies for that as am new to web development). If I had an example in asp.net webform I could use it to modify accordingly.
I was able to integrate asp.net webform with webhooks and accept hosted authorize payment page. Am trying now for iframe one.
12-06-2018 06:42 AM
Can you provide me code for asp.net webform with webhooks and did you get code iframe too?
Please send me that code too if you have
05-02-2019 04:13 AM
https://github.com/mvkotekar this contains some exampls of authorize.net usage. THey were in working condition earlier, not sure if it works now or not. The versions of authorize.net has been changing frequently and many passvity breaks.
05-03-2019 09:35 PM