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transaction ID with SIM



 I want to integrate my application with Authorize and I need to get the transaction ID to save this information in database. The question is, can I do this with SIM? I know you can set a URL to get back to you homepage, but is it possible to send the transaction ID back to homepage?


Thank you!


Hi there,


The Transaction ID is returned with every SIM transaction response. For SIM, that field is x_trans_id. For more information, please see the SIM guide at





Developer Community Manager

All Star

Hi again,


 How can I access the ID? I mean, for example if I wented to modify this code



<% ret = InsertFP (APIloginid, sequence, amount, txnkey) %>

<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="x_login" VALUE="the merchant’s API Login ID>

<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="x_version" VALUE="3.1">



<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="x_amount" VALUE="9.95">

<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="x_relay_response" VALUE="TRUE">

 <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="x_relay_url" VALUE="Any valid URL">

<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Click here for the secure payment form">



Could I add an INPUT with the field "x_trans_id"? If the answer is yes, could I use the value of the field "x_relay_url" to process the ID that would be set onto "x_trans_id" field?


Thanks in advance!

The Transaction ID is only generated when the transaction is processed, it is not something that you can submit with the customer before they complete the payment form.  The transaction ID that is generated by Authorize.Net will be returned to the page that you have defined as your relay response URL.

What you're probably thinking of is something more like x_invoice_num and/or x_cust_id. Search for those in the documentation pdf that Trevor linked. Yes, the documentation is rather ambiguous and confusing in regards to x_trans_id, which it claims is a required field, yet is in fact something the gateway supplies.

I was capable of working with transaction ID. However, I have this problem: when Authorize comes back to my application, the url ( never changes and the CSS of my my application does not work :S. I really don't know what to do, I've been fighting with this problem for days. Please help me.


Thanks in advance.

Since it render on server.  You can the post data on your relay response url then use a javascript redirect to a different url for displaying the result.

CSS need to be absolute address.

@RaynorC1emen7 wrote:

Since it render on server.  You can the post data on your relay response url then use a javascript redirect to a different url for displaying the result.

CSS need to be absolute address.

I used an absolute address for my application's CSS and it worked, but when redirected I lost my session variables and how I could not keep browsing through my application. I need Authorize gateway really to come back to my application to keep my session variables and the user to be capable of browsing. is there a way to really do this?

