Troubleshooting integration errors is one of the necessary evils for all developers. Often, finding the exact reason for the error is half the battle. In this post we present 5 of the most common errors that you are likely to see during the Authorize.Net integration process. You can use the links provided as a reference for finding more details of the error and how other developers like yourself resolved the issue.
1) A Relay Response Error
Error Text: Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction results to it.
An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge your credit card.
This transaction cannot be accepted.

What It Means
This error indicates that Authorize.Net is unable to connect to the page that you have specified as your relay response URL. This error is commonly encountered during development if you are using an internal test environment that is not publicly accessible. In order for relay response to function, Authorize.Net must be able to load your site. Relay response will work with HTTP or HTTPS provided you have a valid SSL certificate.
I recommend triple checking the URL within your code to make sure that it is the correct one and is the same one specified in the Authorize.Net settings section of the Merchant Interface.
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2) A Market Type Error (Error 87)
Error Text: (87) Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system.
What It Means
This error indicates that the account that you are using was created for Card Present (retail) transactions, but you are trying to integrate to our Card Not Present (e-commerce) APIs or vice versa. The only way to resolve this is to open a new test account with the correct market type. If the error is occurring with a live account, the merchant will need to call Customer Support to see how to get the correct account.
In the coming months, Authorize.Net will be supporting blended accounts that support both Card Present and Card Not Present transactions, which will eliminate this error. When these accounts are available, we’ll post an announcement in the News and Announcements board.
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3) A Value-Adding Service Error (Error E00044 or E00025)
Error Texts: E00044-Customer Information Manager is not enabled.
E00025 Automated Recurring Billing is not enabled.
What It Means
When dealing with the sandbox, these errors will occur if you are using an account that set up for Card Present (retail) transactions, because CIM and ARB are only available on Card Not Present (ecommerce) transactions. To resolve this issue, you must open a new Card Not Present sandbox account at
You will also receive these errors in the production environment if CIM or ARB are not enabled in the merchant’s account. To resolve these errors, the account holder can sign up for these services within the Tools section of the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface.
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4) Error Text: Error 13 - The Merchant login ID is invalid or the account is inactive.
What It Means
The API Login ID or Transaction Key being submitted is invalid or the account is inactive. That may be caused by any of three possibilities:
- The API Login ID or Transaction Key you are using is incorrect. Make sure you are using the API Login ID or Transaction Key that you obtained from the Merchant Interface. To verify that you’re using the correct values:
- Log into the Merchant Interface.
- Click Account from the main toolbar.
- Under Security Settings, select API Login ID and Transaction Key (you will see this after entering your secret answer for the first time).
- You are posting to the wrong server. If you are using sandbox credentials, you must post to the sandbox URL. If you are using live credentials, you must post to the production URL.
- The account has been closed (generally not applicable to sandbox accounts).
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5) An Authentication Error (Error E00007)
Error Text: E00007 User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values.
What It Means
This is applicable when using our XML or SOAP APIs. This error indicates that invalid credentials, the API Login ID or Transaction Key, are being submitted. If you have confirmed that your API login ID and Transaction Key are accurate, you may need to confirm that you are submitting to the correct URL. If you are using a test account, please make sure to post to the sandbox URL, and if you’re using a live account, make sure to post to the production URL.
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