ttmb33, I think this particular issue was fixed long ago, so the
workaround I suggested probably won't help if you are having a timeout
problem. However, to change the timeout, you must log in to your account
at the registrar (such as godaddy or netw...
I still get a timeout error once at the 1 week point. Most recent was
yesterday, so it's not fixed yet. After that one error, all transactions
work fine for precisely one week. My workaround has been to enter a test
transaction once per week that res...
milleamy -- I goofed when I stated the form of the domain that is
experiencing this problem. It is actually a .org domain and not a .com.
I should have said "of the form". I wonder if the
problem is connected with only .org domain...
I'd like to try using a dedicated IP, but right now my site with the
problem uses a shared IP. But I agree, that might be a good interim
solution for those that can do it.