Hi there,
wondering if you can help me understand why Accept.js is getting triggered two times, when I'm only (intentionally) calling it once.This is a screengrab of Firefox's "Network" debugger tab, where it shows both calls. It's the "OPTIONS" method one that seems to be the troublemaker:
Here's the button that triggers the call:
<button name="sendRequest" type="button" id="processNowBtn" value="Record Payment" onClick="request_payment('666'); return false;">Record Payment</button>
And here's the function(s) that the above button triggers:
function request_payment(myThirdPartyID) { var myveryowntransactiontype = tmpCheckHistorical.Xttype.value; var active_form = document.BIGPAYMENTFORM; with (active_form) { wipeout_unused_form_data(); if (parseFloat(trxnAmt.value) <= 0.00) { $("#messageBoard").text('Please specify a valid amount, greater than 0.00.'); return; } if (Xttype.value == 'E' || Xttype.value == 'X') { if (orderPymtRecID.value == "" || orderPymtRecID.value == 0) { $("#messageBoard").text('Missing dependency value for this request.'); return; } } // The recording of cash or check payments is handled differently, so simply submit the form // right away and let the other process handle those if (thisPaymentTypeIs.value == 'cash' || thisPaymentTypeIs.value == 'check') { letsdo.value = "sendPayment"; submit(); } else { var allow_closed_order_payments = 'Y'; var tmpOrderDescription = 'Order: N' + orderID + ', Company: <?php echo $WOW['company']; ?>'; var form_data = $("#BIGPAYMENTFORM").serialize(); // "D" signifies that this is a request to "Capture" funds that have already // been "Authorized". This means we have a different set of data that needs // co be culled and passed. Note that the orderID and orderDescription parameters // are not needed for the Auth.net API call (it would perform the same with or // without them), but are still being passed, because they ARE needed in // down-stream subprocesses that create the payment record within PW if (myveryowntransactiontype == 'D') { // Prepare some data var tmpOrigTrxnID = document.getElementById("orgID").value; var tmpTrxnAmt = document.getElementById("trxnAmt").value; var tmp_sprID = document.getElementById("orgID2").value; capture_priorauth_funds_thru_gateway(tmpOrigTrxnID, tmpTrxnAmt, orderID, tmpOrderDescription, tmp_sprID, true, true); // If not a "Capture", then we are recording a NEW payment record in the // payment processor transaction system. The main differences between the two // are that this one will need a bit more data, but will NOT need a (prior) // transaction ID } else { var clientKey = '<?php echo trim($WOW['extraSpecialPublicKey']); ?>'; var tmpPmtStorageRecord = document.getElementById("pmtStorageRecord").value; var tmpTrxnAmount = document.getElementById("trxnAmt").value; var tmpTrxnTypes = document.getElementsByName('Xttype'); var tmpTrxnType; for(var i = 0; i < tmpTrxnTypes.length; i++){ if(tmpTrxnTypes[i].checked){ tmpTrxnType = tmpTrxnTypes[i].value; } } var tmpMpwRequest = true; // Here we are expecting either 1 element to the data, or 3 elements. Anything // else is an indication that something went south (for Auth.net anyway) // One element means new payment data, so gather from the HTML form var forker = tmpPmtStorageRecord.split("|"); if (forker.length == 1) { var tmp_sprID = ''; var tmpCcAcct = document.getElementById("cc__ACCT").value; var tmpCcExpM = document.getElementById("cc__expM").value; var tmpCcExpY = document.getElementById("cc__expY").value; var tmpCcCvv = document.getElementById("cc__CVV2").value; // Three elements means stored payment data, so don't bother gathering (but // still good to prep data for a normalized function call, so default it all // to empty strings) } else if (forker.length == 3) { var tmp_sprID = document.getElementById("orgID2").value; var tmpCcAcct = ''; var tmpCcExpM = ''; var tmpCcExpY = ''; var tmpCcCvv = ''; } else { $("#messageBoard").text('Payment data and/or configuration error. Please report this exact error to Customer Support.'); $("#messageBoard").delay(6400).slideUp(); return false; } record_payment_to_gateway(clientKey, myThirdPartyID, tmp_sprID, tmpPmtStorageRecord, orderID, tmpOrderDescription, tmpTrxnAmount, tmpTrxnType, tmpCcAcct, tmpCcExpM, tmpCcExpY, tmpCcCvv, tmpMpwRequest, true, true); } } } } function record_payment_to_gateway(authnetClientKey, myThirdPartyID, pymtStoragePointerRecID, pymtStorageRec, orderID, orderDescription, trxnAmount, trxnType, ccAcct, ccExpM, ccExpY, ccCvv, mpwRequest, reloadPage, reloadParent) { if (pymtStorageRec == 'hi') { var pymtRequestType = 'OneX'; } else if (pymtStorageRec == 'there') { var pymtRequestType = 'Stored'; } else { console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 34'); return false; } // Set some defaults if (!reloadPage) { reloadPage = false; } if (!reloadParent) { reloadParent = false; } var secureData = {}; authData = {}; cardData = {}; if (pymtRequestType == "OneX") { if (ccAcct == '' || ccExpM == '' || ccExpY == '' || ccCvv == '') { console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 35'); return false; } cardData.cardNumber = ccAcct; cardData.month = ccExpM; cardData.year = ccExpY; cardData.cardCode = ccCvv; secureData.cardData = cardData; authData.clientKey = authnetClientKey; authData.apiLoginID = myThirdPartyID; secureData.authData = authData; // Pass the card number, expiration date, and CVV to Accept.js for submission to Authorize.net. // Note: Attempting to avoide possible callback conflicts, I've added the acronym-ize name of // the parent function, for each of the "*_response)handler" calls Accept.dispatchData(secureData, rptg_response_handler); } else if (pymtRequestType == "Stored") { var cloudResponse; create_anet_transaction_for_order_from_saved_profile(pymtRequestType, orderID, orderDescription, trxnAmount, trxnType, pymtStoragePointerRecID, aCustProID, aCustPmtProID, mpwRequest, function (callbackData) { cloudResponse = callbackData; if (cloudResponse.success) { console.log('TRACKING THE SUCCESS: 01'); console.log('Transaction successfully and securely made.<br />Transaction ID: ' + cloudResponse.success.transactionResponse.transId); $("#messageBoard").text('Transaction successfully and securely made.<br />Transaction ID: ' + cloudResponse.success.transactionResponse.transId); if (reloadPage) { $("#messageBoard").delay(6400).slideUp(location.reload()); } else { $("#messageBoard").delay(6400).slideUp(); } if (reloadParent) { refreshParent(); } } else if (cloudResponse.error) { console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 01'); console.log(cloudResponse.error); } } ); } else { console.log('Error determining the nature of the charge. Please report this exact error to Customer Support.'); return false; } // Process the response from Authorize.Net to retrieve the two elements of the payment nonce. If // the data looks correct, record the OpaqueData to the console and call the data storage // function. function rptg_response_handler(response) { console.log(response.messages.resultCode); if (response.messages.resultCode === 'Error') { for (var i = 0; i < response.messages.message.length; i++) { console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 02'); console.log(response.messages.message[i].text); } } else { console.log('TRACKING THE SUCCESS: 02'); use_opaque_payment_data(pymtRequestType, orderID, orderDescription, trxnAmount, trxnType, response.opaqueData, aCustProID, aCustPmtProID, mpwRequest, reloadPage, reloadParent) } return false; } function use_opaque_payment_data(pymtRequestType, orderID, orderDescription, trxnAmount, trxnType, responseData, aCustProID, aCustPmtProID, mpwRequest, reloadPage, reloadParent) { var cloudResponse; create_anet_transaction_for_order(pymtRequestType, orderID, orderDescription, trxnAmount, trxnType, aCustProID, aCustPmtProID, mpwRequest, responseData.dataValue, function (callbackData) { cloudResponse = callbackData; } ); // These variables are for sub-string checks on the result (JS didn't like me using the // returned object, nor the literal string in the "indexOf" command, thus the variables) var tmpResult = String(cloudResponse.success); var tmpErrorCheck = 'ERROR'; // Successful transaction request the the API if (cloudResponse.success && tmpResult.indexOf(tmpErrorCheck) == -1) { console.log('TRACKING THE SUCCESS: 03'); if (reloadPage) { $("#messageBoard").delay(6400).slideUp(location.reload()); } else { $("#messageBoard").delay(6400).slideUp(); } if (reloadParent) { refreshParent().delay(6400); } // This indicates that thte API call was a suggess, but that the request was not granted } else if (tmpResult.indexOf(tmpErrorCheck) != -1) { $("#messageBoard").text(cloudResponse.success); console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 04'); // This suggests a problem with the actual API call } else if (cloudResponse.error) { $("#messageBoard").text(cloudResponse.error); console.log('TRACKING THE ERROR: 05'); } return false; } }
TIA for any insight!
โ03-02-2018 01:59 PM
@sudwebdesign77would you be willing to provide a little more context to your code patch there? If this is how I have to tackle it, I will (semi-unwillingly), but could use a little broader view of your implementation as a guide.
โ03-14-2018 11:00 AM
โ03-14-2018 12:08 PM
โ03-14-2018 12:10 PM
I've pasted the PHP class into my snippet bin (link below) which generates the JS function class for each vendor.
You will see PHP variable substition in places like $this->funcName() which ensures that each vendor JS function class has a unique name (eg: AUTHJS_ABC123)
You will see the similar PHP vars with connection parameters.
Anything that refers to cartman.function-name is one of my app's libaray routines outside of Authorize functionality.
Let me know if you need any more details.
โ03-15-2018 03:09 AM
Thank you very much! I definitely appreciate it. Hopefully it helps with this issue. :)
โ03-15-2018 07:36 AM
This is STILL an issue, even with the hack-patch that another contributor suggested. Can someone from the Authorize.net development team please address this? I don't think it's reasonable for each of us to try to suss out a hack-patch that only semi-works, for an issue that looks like it needs to be addressed on the Accept.js side. Please advise ASAP as this is a VERY active issue, with at least 13 independant reports of it in the forums alone.
โ05-03-2018 08:56 AM
Experiencing a double trigger issue with Accept.js can be quite frustrating. Just like dealing with complicated paperwork for UAE embassy attestation, it requires a careful review and debugging process to identify the root cause and ensure that the problem is efficiently resolved.
โ11-07-2023 10:04 AM