We have been testing AcceptJs for months now using the Sandbox account. Today we felt confident enough to switch over to Live.
We changed over to use the Live version of:
The transaction processed succefully getting this response
code:"I_WC_01" text:"Successful."
But transactions are not showing up on in the reports.
I called support and they say they are not seeing any attempts to process a transaction. This is very odd to me since I am using the Live URL (https://js.authorize.net/v3/AcceptUI.js),shouldn't it be attempting to process live transactions? My live ApiLoginID and clientKey work give I'm getting a success response.
Support confirmed that my account is not in Test mode. The person I was speaking with was not familar with AcceptJs.
During one of my tests on the LIVE setup I used a bad credit card, and I still got back a success response. I'm hitting some kind of test area. But it's not my sandbox account or my live account in test mode.
Has anyone seen this before?
โ08-09-2018 08:49 PM
Hello @appclan
It appears you're getting a payment nonce back from the server, like the one below.
{ "opaqueData": { "dataDescriptor": "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", "dataValue": "eyJjb2RlIjoiNTBfMl8wNjAwMDUzNUE1OTkzREQ1NEM1NzY0OTgwNTZDQzY5MEVBRjY5MTU3RjBEQThEMjU2N0EyQkUwMUNBNzQ5QkY0ODRDMTgyMjRGN0IzMEE4REI2MUJDQUI1NDMxMTZCNzkwOUM3OUMwIiwidG9rZW4iOiI5NTA3OTE3MzE1NTg5OTYzOTA0NjA0IiwidiI6IjEuMSJ9" }, "messages": { "resultCode": "Ok", "message": [{ "code": "I_WC_01", "text": "Successful." }] }, "encryptedCardData": { "cardNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111", "expDate": "12/22", "bin": "411111" }, "customerInformation": { "Ellen": "", "Johnson": "" } }
What was the response after Using the Payment Nonce in an API Request From Your Server?
โ08-09-2018 09:30 PM
Not sure if this is what your referring to but it similiar
The host form AcceptUI responds with the above. When testing with the sandbox, I would have had an unsettled transaction in my account after receiving this.
Similar to what is being done in the "Example of the Complete HTML Page"
of https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/features/acceptjs.html
โ08-09-2018 10:06 PM
Hi @appclan
Need to understand more on your flow . Are you calling our createTransaction API after getting the Accept Token as explained here
โ08-09-2018 10:56 PM
<button type="button" class="AcceptUI btn btn-primary payButton" data-billingAddressOptions='{"show":true, "required":false}' data-apiLoginID="MYCODE" data-clientKey="MYCODE" data-acceptUIFormBtnTxt="Submit" data-acceptUIFormHeaderTxt="Card Information" data-responseHandler="responseHandler" >Pay With Credit Card </button>
responseHandler = function (response) { if (response.messages.resultCode === "Error") { var i = 0; while (i < response.messages.message.length) { console.log( response.messages.message[i].code + ": " + response.messages.message[i].text ); i = i + 1; } } else { console.log("it works!",response.opaqueData); document.getElementById("dataDescriptor").value = response.opaqueData.dataDescriptor; document.getElementById("dataValue").value = response.opaqueData.dataValue; if(response.opaqueData.dataDescriptor === 'COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT'){ server.call('orders.newOrder', { cart: Session.get('currentCart'), consumerDetails: orderArray, campaignId: campaignId }, (err, res) => { if (err) { success(err); } else { router.go(`/thanks`); } }); } } }
That's it. I was not doing anything server side. If I was suppose to, why does the sandbox show transactions?
โ08-10-2018 06:53 AM