I'm not a developer at all so unfortunately I can't understand any developer manuals but I believe my question is relatively simple.
My affiliate program gave me the following code to integrate into my checkout.
<img src="https://www.clixGalore.com/AdvTransaction.aspx?AdID=13772&SV=<?php echo $_POST['x_amount'];?>&OID=<?php echo $_POST['PNREF'];?>" height="0" width="0" border="0">
It works, but the value always comes up as 0.00 so the affiliate company wants me to find the correct variable to use.
I use Authorize.net CIM and was wondering what to use instead of x_amount for the tracking code?
02-22-2012 04:41 PM
Without knowing what AdvTransaction.aspx is supposed to do and what SV and OID represent, there isn't a whole lot we can do to help.
02-22-2012 06:07 PM