The CIM hosted form has save and cancel buttons after entering in billing credit card and address information, but we're hoping to hide these 2 buttons and use our own submit button to save the card information and process the payment.
Having the customer press save would add an extra (and seemingly extraneous) extra step to our process.
04-24-2015 03:14 PM
Hi TanyaC,
As mentioned in this previous post you cannot change or hide the buttons when using CIM hosted forms.
04-28-2015 12:42 PM
Hello @TanyaC
As Joy mentionted, it is currently not possible to customize the current CIM hosted page, however we are exploring options that would give developers greater control while helping to reduce PCI scope.
One such suggestion is in our product ideas forum. You might want to visit, add your vote and comment if you have additional suggestions.
05-01-2015 09:24 AM