What is the best way to handle this. We charge membership for a site and we keep the info in CIM. Should I charge via the gateway and then create the CIM profile, or create the CIM and do transaction via the CIM? Both have ways have issues. I would lke to to see a complete charge history in their profile. Idealy it seems the order should be;
1. Successful Gateway charge
2. Create CIM payment profile
3. Be able to reference the first transaction in their profile.
Creating the CIM has issues with bad or incorrect payment.data.
How have others dealt with this?
01-03-2012 10:55 AM
If you've had issues with the first transaction failing using CIM you can alsways run the first transaction using AIM and if it is successful then go through the process of setting up CIM profiles. You can still references the AIM transaction in your Authorize.Net control panel. But if the credit card is bad it will still be declined just like it would if you ran it through CIM. The only difference is it would require less overhead then doing it through CIM.
01-03-2012 11:04 AM
Thanks for replying. The complications I have run into deal with keeping the data in sync since I store the profileID and payentID as well as include my memberID with the CIM profile. is there a request that that will reference the intial gateway transaction on the CIM profile?
01-03-2012 11:25 AM
Which part gets out of sync? The profile ID and payment profile ID should never change unless you delete them in which case they go away forever. The membership ID can be associated with the profile ID in yoru database which you can update as often as you want without ever having to touch Authorize.Net's servers since that information is irrelevant to them.
01-03-2012 11:28 AM