I am currently using Simple Checkout for accepting donations. I have been tasked to request additional information from the donors for our database along with their donation.
I've downloaded the DPM users guides and don't know exactly how to get started.
We don't have an SSL Certificate so I am interested in a solution that will not require one.
I am familiar with HTML but not any of the other .NET coding.
Can anyone be of assistance?
04-07-2014 10:59 AM
Download the SIM c# sample code. And then use the DPM doc to modify the sample code to DPM, look at the "using java sdk" step 4) show the fields required for DPM
The main thing to change from SIM is
removex_show_form = PAYMENT_FORM
and add cc info fields, x_card_num, x_exp_date, x_method
04-07-2014 12:07 PM
Another option is to explore form tools that offer pre-integrated support for Authorize.Net in our Certified Solution Directory. Form tools allow you to build and collect data in your form and also trigger transactions against your Authorize.Net gateway account.
04-07-2014 12:10 PM