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Direct Post issues - especially WEBLINK!

I have had to update from 3.0 to 3.1 and nothing seems to work.

this is my code and it generates a message about weblink.

if i remove either x_Login" value or "x_TRAN_KEY i get an error that they are missing.

I am sending from a secure server and none of this source code can be seen.

Site worked fine in 3.0 sans a the x_fp_hash, x_fp_timestamp, x_fp_sequence.

Any ideas much appreciated as I have been on the phone to tech support for hours and they not only don't seem to know what the problem is but said I should post here....


<cflock timeout="30" throwontimeout="No" name="#crtcode#">


<cfhttp url="" method="post">



                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Version" value="3.1">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Login" value="xxxxxxxxxxx">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_TRAN_KEY" value="xxxxxxxxxx">


                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_fp_hash" value="xxxxxxx^#crtcode#^#timestamp1#^#stotalbal#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_fp_timestamp" value="#timestamp1#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_fp_sequence" value="#crtcode#">


                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_TEST_REQUEST" value="F">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Description" value="JJ Co.">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Cust_ID" value="#acctID#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_method" value="CC">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Amount" value="#stotalbal#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_card_num" value="#ccnum#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_card_code" value="#ccnumid#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_exp_date" value="#cexp1##cexp2#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_First_Name" value="#afnmcc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Last_Name" value="#alncc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Address" value="#aaddcc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_City" value="#acitycc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_State" value="#astcc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Zip" value="#aintlcodecc#">

                        <cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="x_Country" value="#acntrycc#">
















<!--- #CFHTTP.FileContent# --->



What do you mean nothing seem to work? if you doing SIM or DPM, do NOT pass the x_tran_key

no error at all? just a blank page? what on the url address bar?


Run it to the page and look at the page source from the web broswer. See if something is missing.


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